Идиомы на тему Birds

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  • albatross (around someone's neck)
    помеха на пути к успеху
    Jack's lack of a proper education is an albatross around his neck, and it prevents him from getting a good job.
  • as a duck takes to water
    естественно, как рыба в воде
    Sofia plunged into the water and started to swim easily and naturally, just as a duck takes to water.
  • as bald as a coot
    совершенно лысый (похожий на птицу лысуху)
    My Uncle Robert is as bald as a coot.
  • as crazy as a loon
    My next door neighbor, Miss Darling, is as crazy as a loon.
  • as dead as a dodo
    мёртвый (как вымершая птица дронт)
    A car hit a cat, and it was as dead as a dodo after the accident.
  • as easy as duck soup
    очень легко, без усилий
    Persuading my father to buy a new computer was as easy as duck soup.
  • as free as a bird
    свободный как птица
    I am through with my exams, and now I am as free as a bird.
  • as graceful as a swan
    грациозный как лебедь
    The ballet dancer was as graceful as a swan.
  • as happy as a lark
    очень счастливый, весёлый
    Maria looked as happy as a lark when she got engaged to Mark.
  • as hoarse as a crow
    I had to talk very much that day and was as hoarse as a crow by the evening.
  • as mad as a wet hen
    Peter suspected that Joanna had deceived him and was as mad as a wet hen.
  • as naked as a jaybird
    голый, "в чём мать родила"
    Jeremy had a swim in the lake, and when he got out of the water he was as naked as a jaybird.
  • as proud as a peacock
    очень гордый
    Ms. Bobtail's son was a good musician, and she was as proud as a peacock of him.
  • as scarce as hen's teeth/scarcer than hen's teeth
    скудный или несуществующий
    Good hotels in this small town were as scarce as hen's teeth.
  • as silly as a goose
    очень глупый
    No wonder nobody takes Julia seriously; she is as silly as a goose.
  • as soft as down
    мягкий как пух
    The little girl's fair hair was as soft as down.
  • as the crow flies
    напрямик, кратчайшим путём (так же прямо, как летит птица)
    As the crow flies, it is not more than three miles between his house and the station.
  • as wise as an owl
    очень мудрый (как сова)
    I often ask my Granny's advise because she is as wise as an owl.
  • bat out of hell
    очень быстро, мгновенно
    "What happened? Why did the man left the room like a bat out of hell?"
  • bats in the belfry
    сумасшедший, эксцентричный
    I guess my friend has bats in the belfry; his plans are absolutely crazy.
  • bird brain
    очень глупый, "куриные мозги"
    Miss Davidson, the secretary, is a bird brain, and she is always making mistakes at work.
  • bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
    Одна птица в руках стоит двух в кустах. (пословица)
    "I think you shouldn't spend your money so recklessly until you are able to earn more. Remember that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
  • birds and bees
    птички и пчёлки, дети в капусте (объяснение ребёнку, откуда берутся дети)
    The time comes when it is necessary to tell the children about birds and bees.
  • birds of a feather flock together
    Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. (Пословица)
    "Do not complain about your relatives. Remember that birds of a feather flock together. You are very similar to them."
  • birds-eye view
    взгляд с высоты птичьего полёта
    They had a birds-eye view of the stage from their seats high up in the gallery.
  • chicken and egg situation
    ситуация, при которой не ясно, где причина, а где следствие
    It was a chicken and egg situation; I didn't quite understand what caused problems with the computer.
  • chicken feed
    небольшая сумма денег
    "What you are giving me is chicken feed. I need a lot more money."
  • chicken out of (doing something)
    струсить, не сделать что-либо из-за страха
    Sarah chickened out of skiing in the mountains.
  • chicken-livered
    трусливый, малодушный
    Mark is chicken-livered; he is easily scared.
  • chickens come home to roost
    беда бедою отзовётся (то плохое, что желаете другому, вернётся к вам)
    Margaret's chickens have come home to roost, and she has to take responsibility for what she has done.
  • clip (someone's) wings
    ограничивать или сдерживать кого-либо, "подрезать крылья"
    The company decided to clip the manager's wings and took away his expense account.
  • cock of the walk
    важная персона, хозяин положения (употребляется иронично)
    John thinks that he is cock of the walk and that everyone must do what he wants.
  • cold turkey
    резкое прекращение употребления наркотиков
    Collin must have stopped using drugs cold turkey because he looks very sick.
  • cook (someone's) goose
    подпортить, погубить свою репутацию
    Pat cooked her goose, and now she has no opportunity of getting good education.
  • count one's chickens before they're hatched
    делать преждевременные выводы, "цыплят по осени считают"
    "You'd better not count your chickens before they're hatched. After all you haven't got that job yet."