Идиомы на тему Money

  • take the money and run
    принять предложенное пока предложение в силе
    Bill planned to take the money and run as he was not sure that he would be given any more money for the settlement of his car accident.
  • make a bundle/pile
    заработать много денег
    Sam's uncle has made a bundle on the stock market and he is very wealthy now.
  • pick up the tab/check
    заплатить по счёту за кого-либо
    We, my sisters, my husband and me, had a nice dinner at the restaurant, and my husband picked up the tab.
  • sock away (some money)
    убирать, прятать деньги в укромное место
    I have decided to sock away some money to pay for my college education.
  • put the bite on (someone)
    выпрашивать деньги
    Joshua is always short of money, and he is constantly trying to put the bite on his co-workers.
  • draw interest
    привлекать внимание, казаться интересным
    The exhibition of modern art didn't draw interest of the public at large.
  • fork over (some money)
    заплатить деньги за что-либо
    "You forked over much money for the painting, didn't you? The picture isn't worth it."
  • pay in advance
    платить заранее, (предоплата)
    I registered at the hotel and paid in advance for a single room.
  • pay a king's ransom (for something)
    заплатить огромные деньги за что-либо
    I am not going to pay a king's ransom for this used car.
  • fork money out (for something)
    потратить деньги на что-либо, "раскошелиться"
    They had to fork out much money for fixing their old house.
  • lay away money
    откладывать (деньги), копить
    The boy was trying to lay away some money to buy a bicycle.
  • smart money is on (something)
    хорошая идея (относительно чего-либо)
    The smart money is on the government officials who decided to introduce a new tax law next year.
  • cash in (something)
    обменять что-либо (купоны, облигации) на наличные деньги
    I went to the bank to cash in a large number of my savings bonds in order to get some money to buy a condominium.
  • turn on a dime
    развернуться в очень узком месте (величиной с монету)
    My new sports car can turn on a dime.
  • rake off (some money)
    воровать деньги
    They suspected David Bronx of raking money off the company's account.
  • quick buck
    лёгкие деньги
    The shoe factory was only interested in making a quick buck, but they were not interested in product quality.
  • cash on the barrelhead
    (платить) наличными деньгами
    I paid the salesman cash on the barrelhead for the second-hand furniture.
  • lay out (money)
    тратить (деньги), "выложить деньги"
    "If we buy this house, we will have to lay out a lot of money on repairs, and that's a heavy outlay."
  • shell out (money)
    платить деньги, раскошелиться
    Jacob shelled out a lot of money for his new car.
  • pass the hat
    собирать деньга на какой-либо проект (пустить шапку по кругу)
    They passed the hat in order to raise money for the animal shelter.
  • take up a collection
    собрать деньги на что-либо
    Sam is willing to take up a collection for his holiday abroad.
  • penny-wise and pound foolish
    экономный в мелочах и расточительный в крупном
    They had no penny-wise and pound-foolish policy in their company.
  • pay off (something)
    расплатиться с чем-либо (с долгами)
    Lorna had serious intentions to pay off every debt.
  • payoff
    The deputy mayor received a handsome sum of money as a payoff.
  • set (someone) back
    стоить (какую-либо сумму) кому-либо
    "How much did your new car set you back?"
  • pad the bill
    включить неоправданные расходы в счёт
    Allan tried to pad the hotel bill when he was on a business trip.
  • for a song
    очень дёшево, "за гроши"
    "Don't think you can buy a new house for a song; houses are expensive."
  • two cents (worth)
    мнение (о котором не спрашивают)
    The boys were talking about tennis, and Hilda put in her two cents worth, even though she didn't know much about tennis.
  • loaded
    иметь много денег
    I believe my next door neighbor is really loaded.
  • pay off (someone)
    давать кому-либо взятку, откупиться
    The shopkeeper had to pay off a gang of racketeers who were squeezing money from him.
  • pinch pennies
    быть экономным, бережливым, "считать копейки"
    Wanda pinches pennies not because she is thrifty, but because she earns very little.
  • in the money
    состоятельный, при деньгах
    Gerald found a good job, and he is in the money now.
  • square accounts with (someone)
    рассчитываться, улаживать финансовые дела с кем-либо
    I didn't trust Jack and had no intention to square accounts with him.
  • go broke
    разориться, потерять все деньги
    Josef Marsh went broke because of the collapse of a Canadian company in which he had invested.
  • in clover
    богатый или успешный, ведущий приятную жизнь
    Having won a million dollars in a state lottery, Monica and her husband were in clover.