Идиомы на тему Numbers

  • it takes two to tango
    делить ответственность на двоих, оба виноваты
    It takes two to tango, so Peter and Nick are both responsible for the damage of the car.
  • know a trick or two
    знать пару хитростей
    Gina knows a trick or two about how to handle her husband when he is angry or upset.
  • lesser of the two
    меньшее из двух
    I can pay either $80 or $100 for a bike; I think I'd rather pay the lesser of the two."
  • lesser of two evils
    меньшее из двух зол
    "I don't want to go shopping; I'd rather stay at home. I would prefer to choose the lesser of the two evils."
  • no two ways about (something)
    об этом не может быть двух мнений
    "There are no two ways about it; you are to consult a doctor and do it immediately."
  • not give two hoots about (someone or something)
    совершенно не интересоваться кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Right now the public does not give two hoots about Kirby's disappearance.
  • one or two
    небольшое количество, один или два
    "There are only one or two things I can do for you, I am sorry."
  • put two and two together
    смекнуть, понять
    The death of his wife and the money he was going to inherit The police were sure to put two and two together.
  • tell (someone) a thing or two (about something)
    сказать кому-либо кое-что (неприятное), ругать кого-либо
    My cousin took my laptop without my permission, and I am going to tell her a thing or two.
  • That makes two of us.
    то же самое справедливо и обо мне
    "I don't want to take part in the track and field event," Lucy said. -"That makes two of us," Cathy replied.
  • two bricks shy of a load
    не умный, тупой, "винтиков не хватает"
    Martin is two bricks shy of a load and he is hard to deal with.
  • two can play that game
    ответить тем же, отплатить той же монетой
    Cora offended me; I told her that two can play that game, but actually I am not going to do the same to her.
  • two heads are better than one
    одна голова хорошо, а две лучше
    "Let's discuss these problems between the two of us; two heads are better than one, you know."
  • two of a kind
    два одинаковых (человека), "два сапога пара"
    John and Jack are two of a kind and they are always seen together.
  • two wrongs don't make a right
    злом зла не поправишь (посл.)
    Though Lionel's words hurt my feelings I am not going to try and offend him; I am sure two wrongs don't make a right.
  • two's company, three's a crowd
    где двое, там третий – лишний
    I was going out with my date, and I didn't want Jim to accompany us; I told him that two's company and three's a crowd.
  • two-time (someone)
    изменять кому-либо (супруге или супругу, партнёру)
    Silvia was very upset when she discovered that Tim was two-timing her.