Идиомы на букву O

  • on (something's) last legs
    изношенный, "на ладан дышит"
    Our TV set is on its last legs, so we are going to buy a new one soon.
  • oddball
    чудак, своеобразно мыслящий человек
    Adam Smith is an oddball, and very often he doesn't act like other people.
  • on and on
    постоянно, не останавливаясь
    The chairman's speech went on and on and it looked it as if would never end.
  • out of the mouths of babes
    устами младенца (глаголет истина)
    Samantha's statement was right out of the mouths of babes. The little girl understood everything.
  • of interest (to someone)
    быть интересным кому-либо
    "I suppose this information will be of interest to you."
  • out in the cold
    (быть) в одиночестве
    Jeremy was out in the cold after the family went to visit their aunt.
  • on the spur of the moment
    не раздумывая, сразу же, под влиянием минуты
    On the spur of the moment Ben could find no better expression for his feelings than a grunt.
  • one-armed bandit
    игровой автомат, "однорукий бандит"
    William is always short of money because he spends a lot of time with a one-armed bandit.
  • out of condition
    быть в неважном физическом состоянии
    After my illness I was out of condition for a long time.
  • one for the (record) books
    что-либо необычное или из ряда вон выходящее
    His latest article about the origin of the Universe is one for the books.
  • old boy network
    старые университетские связи
    William was able to get a good job through an old boy network.
  • out-and-out (something)
    несомненно, бесспорно, целиком и полностью, убеждённый, матёрый, отъявленный
    The man is an out-and-out scoundrel, and I refuse to have anything in common with him.
  • one way or another
    так или иначе
    One way or another I am not going to attend the annual conference on Monday.
  • off campus
    (быть) за территорией колледжа или университета
    The cafe we usually went to was off campus.
  • one of those days
    несчастливый, неудачный день
    It was one of those days that all my plans were ruined.
  • off to one side
    (стоять) около, (быть) немного отодвинутым от чего-либо
    He moved the old bookcase off to one side from the wall, trying to clean it from top to bottom.
  • one's tail between one's legs
    быть пристыженным или побеждённым
    Steve had boasted he would win the tournament, but he went home with his tail between his legs.
  • of the same mind
    быть таково же мнения, соглашаться с кем-либо
    It is a good thing when husband and wife are of the same mind about the upbringing of their children.
  • out of place
    неуместный, неподходящий
    The bulky sofa in the living room looked out of place.
  • one and only
    единственный, уникальный
    There was an interview with the one and only inventor of a digital camera.
  • on no account
    ни под каким видом, ни в коем случае
    Oscar would on no account have mentioned the fight with his best friend.
  • own up to (something)
    сознаться в чём-либо
    The man was suspected of murdering his wife, but he never owned up to it.
  • off and running
    начать бег, разбежаться
    The athletes were off and running as soon as the signal sounded.
  • on the money
    как раз нужная сумма \место \ время \ идея
    Mark was on the money when he went to purchase textbooks.
  • on and off
    периодически, время от времени
    It has been snowing on and off since last night.
  • open up to (someone)
    открыться кому-либо, поговорить откровенно
    I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately and it is necessary for me to open up to someone.
  • out in force
    появиться в большом количестве
    The mosquitoes are generally out in force in June and the beginning of July.
  • on the mend
    выздоравливать, поправляться
    Jenny had the flu, but she is now on the mend.
  • off the mark
    ошибочный, неправильный, не относящийся к делу
    "This statement of yours is right off the mark."
  • out on the town
    праздновать в городе
    It's my birthday the day after tomorrow and we are going to be out on the town.
  • out of the ordinary
    необычный, незаурядный
    There was nothing out of the ordinary in Mark. I don't know what Rita saw in him.
  • on one's heels
    позади, следом
    When Steve walks his dog Fluffy, it is always on his master's heels.
  • on second thought
    изменять решение, "ещё раз подумав"
    On second thought Jack decided not to join the army.
  • on top of (something/things)
    хорошо справляться с чем-либо
    "You are doing just fine; you are on top of your work."
  • off the hook
    избежать неприятной или затруднительный ситуации
    I hope I am off the hook now; I have avoided the punishment for the broken window.