Идиомы на букву C

  • cast an eye over (something)
    быстро прочесть или просмотреть что-либо
    Sam cast an eye over the letter he had received.
  • cast aspersions on (someone)
    клеветать на кого-либо, оскорблять кого-либо
    I, personally, hate people who can cast aspersions on their neighbors.
  • cast doubt on (someone or something)
    поставить под сомнение что-либо
    The evidence presented by a witness of the crime cast doubt on the truthfulness of her testimony.
  • cast doubts on (someone or something)
    заставлять сомневаться в ком-либо/ чём-либо
    I've never trusted Jack that's why his testimony made me cast doubts on its truthfulness.
  • cast in the same mold
    быть очень похожими (как бы отлитыми в одной форме)
    The twins Rick and Ron were cast in the same mold, so similar they were.
  • cast one's lot in with (someone)
    связать свою судьбу с кем-либо
    The young man cast his lot in with the criminals and had to accept whatever happened.
  • cast one's vote
    The elections started at eight and a lot of people came to cast their votes.
  • cast pearls before swine
    попусту тратить усилия на кого-либо, "метать бисер перед свиньями"
    I am not going to waste good advice on Leda any more because she never listens to it. I won't cast pearls before swine.
  • cast the first stone
    бросить первый камень, первым обвинить кого-либо
    "I know you did the wrong thing, but I don't want to cast the first stone and quarrel with you."