Идиомы на букву C

  • C/O
    Care Of - до востребования
    Moira moved to another town; I don't know her address so I sent a letter to her CO her parents.
  • CA
    Chartered Accountant - дипломированный бухгалтер-эксперт
    They decided to employ a CA in order to get their taxes done on time.
  • calculated risk
    обдуманный риск
    The factory must have taken a calculated risk when they had put new products on the market.
  • call (someone or something) into question
    сомневаться в ком-либо/ чём-либо
    The teacher called the student's statement about her illness into question.
  • call (someone) in
    вызвать кого-либо, пригласить (для консультации)
    They had to call in a heart specialist to examine the patient.
  • call (someone) names
    обзывать кого-либо, называть неприятными именами
    "Stop calling each other names! It's not fair."
  • call (someone) on the carpet
    вызвать кого-либо на ковёр (устраивать нагоняй)
    Jim must have failed to do the job well because he was called on the carpet by his boss.
  • call (something) in
    изъять из обращения, потребовать назад (книги, долг)
    The librarian was going to call in the books at the end of the school year.
  • call a meeting
    созвать собрание
    A meeting should be called to discuss a few important issues.
  • call a meeting to order
    начать заседание, собрание
    When everyone arrived, the chairman called the meeting to order.
  • call a spade a spade
    называть вещи своими именами
    They were a little afraid of this young man and his dreadful trait of calling a spade a spade.
  • call for (someone or something)
    требовать что-либо, вызывать кого-либо (если нужна помощь)
    This flower is very fastidious; it calls for continual care.
  • call for (someone)
    заходить за кем-либо
    We were still having dinner when they called for us to go to the swimming pool.
  • call it a day/night
    считать свой рабочий день законченным, считать дело сделанным
    "It's six p.m. Lets call it a day and go home. Shall we?"
  • call it quits
    закончить, прекратить
    We've been discussing the problem long enough; let's call it quits.
  • call of nature
    необходимость идти в туалет (удовлетворить естественные потребности)
    They asked the driver to stop the bus so that they might answer the call of nature.
  • call off (something)
    отменять что-либо
    They called off the meeting because there was no quorum.
  • call on (someone)
    зайти к кому-то
    "Do you mind if I call on you tonight?"
  • call out to (someone)
    кричать кому-либо, громко звать
    He called out to me from the other side of the road, but I pretended not to hear.
  • call someone's bluff
    разоблачить обман, вывести кого-либо на чистую воду
    I could call the man's bluff if I were sure I would be able to prove that he is a swindler.
  • call the dogs off
    прекратить преследование или угрозы
    I told Jack to call the dogs off and stop waylaying me otherwise I would go to the police.
  • call the roll
    проверка присутствующих, перекличка
    The teacher called the roll and found out that four students were absent from class.
  • call the shots
    командовать, распоряжаться
    Mr. Gougle is calling the shots; he is in control of the company at present.
  • call up (someone)
    позвонить (кому-либо)
    "Don't call me up at seven; I'll be having an English lesson at that time."
  • calm down
    успокоиться, расслабиться
    "I want you to calm down and tell me the whole story."
  • can of worms
    сложная ситуация или проблема
    "You might open up a can of worms if you insist on knowing the truth."
  • can take (something) to the bank
    что-либо, гарантирующее успех
    I am sure that we can very well take the new business project to the bank.
  • can't do anything with (someone or something)
    ничего нельзя поделать (с кем-либо/ чем-либо)
    I can't do anything with my new dress; it's is completely ruined.
  • can't see beyond the end of one's nose
    не видеть дальше своего носа
    Gina had no idea about what was happening around her; she could not see beyond the end of her nose.
  • can't see the forest for the trees
    не в состоянии понять всё в целом "из-за деревьев не видеть леса"
    Susan doesn't understand the problems she is facing because she can't see the forest for the trees.
  • can't stand (someone or something)
    не выносить кого-либо \ что-либо
    I can't stand porridge.
  • can't stand/stomach (someone or something)
    не выносить, не переваривать кого-либо/ чего-либо
    I can't stand the way Jill behaves in public places.
  • can't stomach (someone or something)
    не переносить, не переваривать (кого-либо \ что-либо)
    I can't stand the way Jill behaves in public places.
  • cancel (something) out
    свести на нет, нейтрализовать
    If you eat too much chocolate, it will cancel out the benefits of your jogging.
  • cannot see one's hand in front of one's face
    не видеть ни зги, ничего не видеть на расстоянии вытянутой руки
    The fog was so thick that I could not see my hands in front of my face.