Идиомы на букву C

  • cat gets one's tongue
    быть не в состоянии что-либо сказать "язык проглотил"
    The cat got the boy's tongue when the teacher asked him about his homework.
  • cat nap
    короткий сон днём
    "I am going to take a cat nap in the afternoon, so don't disturb me."
  • cat on a hot tin roof
    (быть) полным кипучей деятельности, (скакать, как кот на горячей крыше)
    Little Kate was jumping around like a cat on a hot tin roof and her mother could not make her behave.
  • curiosity killed the cat
    любопытство убило кошку (говорят о любопытном человеке)
    "Curiosity killed the cat," Leila's mother said, when she saw Leila hunting around in closets just before Christmas.