Идиомы на букву C

  • change (someone's) mind
    At first Lola agreed to join us but then changed her mind.
  • change hands
    перейти из рук в руки
    The small cafe has changed hands many times since it was opened two years ago.
  • change horses in midstream
    производить крупные перемены в неподходящий момент, "коней на переправе не меняют"
    Jim has decided to change his coach before the match, but I told him he'd better not change horses in midstream.
  • change of heart
    изменение намерений, планов
    The young mother had a change of heart; she made up her mind to take her child out for a walk.
  • change of pace
    добавить разнообразия в жизни
    There is no variety in my life; I'd like a change of pace.
  • change of scenery
    перемена обстановки, смена декораций
    I'd like to quit my job and move to another town because I want a change of scenery.
  • change one's tune
    сделать изменения в чём-либо (в рассказе, в утверждении, во мнении, в политике)
    "Your story is not at all interesting. I want you to change your tune."
  • change the subject
    сменить тему разговора
    Jack said he didn't want to talk about his failure and asked me to change the subject.