Идиомы на букву D

  • deaf and dumb
    The little girl was born deaf and dumb.
  • devil of a job
    очень трудно, "чертовски трудно"
    That business plan I am working at is a devil of a job.
  • dance with death
    The mountaineer was dancing with death when he tried to conquer the highest peak in the world.
  • day and night
    всё время, день и ночь
    The woman was thinking about her missing child day and night.
  • do (someone's) heart good
    идти на пользу или радовать чьё-либо сердце
    It does my Granny's heart good to see her grandchildren play happily.
  • die down
    ослабевать, замирать, утихать
    The fire in the fireplace was dying down.
  • do or die
    делать усилие, совершать подвиг
    It is do or die for me if I start my own small business.
  • dead tired
    смертельно устать, валиться с ног
    After a day on the beach I was dead tired as if I had been working in the mine all day.
  • drop a hint
    I dropped a hint to my friends about the present I'd like to get for my birthday.
  • dead ahead
    прямо перед чем-либо, впереди
    There was a large stone dead ahead on the path so I had to stop abruptly.
  • do credit to (someone)
    прибавить чести кому-либо
    My aunt's hard work and patience did credit to her reputation as a good nurse.
  • dead set against (something)
    быть решительно настроенным против чего-либо
    Mary-Ann was dead set against Julia's rooming with her.
  • dead wrong
    быть совершенно не правым
    I confess I was dead wrong in my opinion about your novel; it's quite fascinating.
  • deep-six (something)
    выбросить что-либо, избавиться от чего-либо
    I am going to deep-six all my old exercise books at the end of the school year.
  • do (someone) one better
    делать лучше, чем кто-либо, превосходить кого-либо
    At the exam Marion did Emily one better and got better scores than her friend.
  • down on one's luck
    (быть) в беде, в тяжёлом положении
    Alan is down on his luck and I am sorry for him.
  • draw fire
    навлечь критику
    This film drew fire as soon as it was released.
  • dress (someone) down
    ругать кого-либо, "распекать"
    The principal invited lazy students into his office to dress them down.
  • day in and day out
    Mrs. Naugh is fond of growing roses, and she works in her little garden day in and day out.
  • dig one's own grave
    рыть себе могилу, погубить себя
    "I don't want any problems. I am not going to dig my own grave, so leave me alone."
  • dash off
    ринуться, быстро уйти
    The students dashed off as soon as the lesson was over.
  • dry run
    The performance was to be held on Sunday so the actors had a dry run on Friday.
  • down/out for the count
    Joe seemed to be down for the count because his boss didn't approve of his project.
  • dance to a different tune
    изменить своё поведение или отношение
    "When you learn the truth, you'll be dancing to a different tune."
  • die is cast
    ничего нельзя изменить, выбор сделан, "жребий брошен"
    The die is cast, and now that they have got their visas they are to leave the country as soon as possible.
  • down the tubes
    быть разрушенным (о планах, намерениях)
    All of her plans went down the tubes after she had got infected with AIDS.
  • down and dirty
    подлый, нечестный, скверный
    It is down and dirty to use cheat sheets at the exams.
  • drop in the bucket
    очень малое количество, "капля в море"
    I need ten thousand dollars to purchase a car, but what I've got is a drop in the bucket.
  • day after day
    каждый день, день за днём
    Day after day Sally has to do the same work.
  • darken (someone's) door
    навещать кого-либо, приходить куда-либо
    Miss Davidson was prudent; she never darkened the door of any shady emporium.
  • down for the count
    закончить (на сегодня)
    The construction workers were down for the count; they will resume work on Monday.
  • dangerous offender
    опасный преступник
    Jack Pitt was proclaimed to be a dangerous offender and was given a life sentence.
  • do one's duty
    исполнять свой долг
    The guard at the shop was doing his duty when he saw one of the customers steeling clothes.
  • devil-may-care attitude
    беззаботное, "наплевательское" отношение
    The man had a devil-may-care attitude to his parental duties.
  • deep-six (someone or something)
    выбросить что-либо, избавиться от кого-либо \ чего-либо
    I am going to deep-six all my exercise books at the end of the school year.