Идиомы на букву F

  • farm (something) out
    отдавать, передоверять работу кому-либо
    They decided to farm out the installation of the equipment to another company.
  • float a loan
    брать заём (в банке)
    The bank agreed to float a loan for the purchase of a new house.
  • for all I know
    насколько я знаю
    For all I know, the "Titanic" was the largest ship which could take about two thousand people on board.
  • FBI
    Federal Bureau of Investigation - ФБР (Федеральное бюро расследования)
    The FBI mostly deals with serious cases like kidnapping for example.
  • fond of (someone or something)
    любить кого-либо; увлекаться чем-либо
    I am very fond of going places.
  • for kicks
    ради шутки/ удовольствия, "на потеху"
    The girls wore carnival costumes for kicks.
  • funny bone
    внутренний мыщелок плечевой кости
    Jack hit his funny bone today and it still hurts a little.
  • figure out (someone or something)
    пытаться понять, постигать
    At last Bill figured out how to use the new camera.
  • fit (someone) to a T
    прекрасно подходить кому-либо
    My friend's new apartment fits her to a T.
  • flirt with the idea of (doing something)
    обдумывать что-либо, прикидывать
    Nick flirted with the idea of buying a yacht.
  • for the most part
    в основном, по большей части
    For the most part the film was not bad.
  • float (someone) a loan
    дать кому-либо (деньги) взаймы
    I decided to buy a new car so I asked the bank to float me a loan.
  • fit (someone) out with (something)
    снабжать необходимым, экипировать
    The salesperson in the store helped to fit them out with traveling kits.
  • for cause
    правомерные причины (которые принимаются во внимание судом)
    Maria was always late for work, no wonder she was fired from her job for cause after the violation of the office rule.
  • full-fledged
    полноценный, вполне развитый
    Having worked for a few years, Tim Noaland became a full-fledged engineer.
  • false witness
    фальшивый свидетель
    The woman turned out to be a false witness in the case of shoplifting.
  • far out
    странный, "не от мира сего"
    William has always been far out; he is a bit difficult to deal with.
  • for good measure
    чуть-чуть больше / меньше
    My Mom asked me to buy one loaf of French bread but for good measure I bought two.
  • from dawn to dusk
    от восхода до заката
    The slaves worked on the plantation from dawn to dusk.
  • flora and fauna
    флора и фауна (растительный и животный мир)
    At school we learn about the flora and fauna of the Earth.
  • for one's (own) sake
    для собственного блага, ради себя самого
    "Be careful for your own sake."
  • fire a gun
    выстрелить из оружия
    When the man saw the dog stealing meat from the cook, he fired a gun but missed.
  • FYI
    For Your Information - для вашего сведения
    My boss asked me to write FYI on the information bulletin and send it to the other members of the staff.
  • filled to the brim
    (быть) полным до краёв
    "Be careful! The tea cup is filled to the brim."
  • far from it
    далеко не так, совсем нет, отнюдь нет
    "Far from it," my friend answered when I asked him if he had finished reading the book.
  • favorite son
    политический деятель, пользующийся известностью лишь в пределах своего штата
    Bill Kraft is a favorite son of our state that's why we voted for him.
  • for all I care
    мне нет никакого дела, мне-то что
    "For all I care, you can do whatever you wish."
  • far into the night
    далеко за полночь
    When Dick was a college student, he used to study far into the night.
  • far and away the best
    несомненно/ намного/ гораздо лучше
    Railroad stocks were far and away the most valuable and important on every exchange in America.
  • flip out
    спятить, рехнуться
    My brother flipped out when he realized that I had lost his disk.
  • far be it from (someone) to do (something)
    у меня нет ни малейшего желания, я далёк от того, чтобы …
    I know my faults; far be it from me to deny them.
  • field questions
    отвечать на вопросы
    The professor began to field questions as soon as he finished delivering the lecture.
  • fire away at (someone or something)
    задавать много вопросов, "засыпать вопросами"
    The participants of the conference began to fire away at the speaker as soon as he had finished speaking.
  • FM
    Frequency Modulation - частотная модуляция (тип радио сигнала)
    I like an FM station and listen to it regularly.
  • for the life of (someone)
    ни за что на свете, "хоть тресни"
    The face looked familiar, but for the life of me I could not remember the man's name.