Идиомы на букву L

  • late in life
    в преклонном возрасте
    My Grandfather got interested in horse races rather late in life.
  • lay down one's life (for someone or something)
    отдать свою жизнь ради кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Thousands of young men laid down their lives for America in the Iraq war.
  • lead a dog's life
    вести несчастную (собачью) жизнь
    Ron has been leading a dog's life since he retired.
  • life is a bowl of cherries
    только хорошее случается в жизни, жизнь хороша
    Life is not a bowl of cherries; good things and bad things go hand in hand.
  • life of Riley
    жизнь в роскоши, приятная жизнь
    Norman Brown has been living the life of Riley since he won a million dollars in a state lottery.
  • life of the party
    весельчак, душа компании
    "I'd like to invite Tom; he is very attractive and the life of the party into the bargain.
  • live a life of (something)
    жить какой-либо жизнью
    Felix Moody has been living a life of luxury since he inherited much money from his father.