Идиомы на букву L

  • lay (something) on the line
    говорить прямо и твёрдо о чем-либо, "выложить начистоту"
    Sheila laid it on the line and told Samantha to stop gossiping.
  • line of least resistance
    линия наименьшего сопротивления
    My friend hates to make any effort; he prefers to follow the line of least resistance.
  • line of products
    группа однородных товаров
    This shoe factory will introduce a new line of products in the autumn of next year.
  • line one's own pockets
    набивать себе карманы, обогащаться
    During the War some people lined their own pockets and did not do anything to help their country.
  • line up
    становиться в очередь, выстраиваться в ряд
    All the recruits were ordered to line up in front of the barracks.
  • line up (someone for something)
    наметить что-либо для кого-либо
    We couldn't very well line up the lecturer for Monday morning, so we had to cancel the lecture.
  • line up (someone with someone)
    свести кого-либо с кем-либо
    Hilda tried to line up her friend with her brother, but nothing came out of it.
  • line up (something with something)
    подгонять что-либо к чему-либо
    David had to line up two pieces of wood before he nailed them together.