Идиомы на букву C

  • come to terms with (someone or something)
    принять чьи-либо условия, договориться, прийти к соглашению
    We came to terms with them and struck a good bargain.
  • come to the fore
    выйти вперёд, занять важное место или позицию
    Peter Boy came to the fore and made up his mind to take an important position in the firm.
  • come to the point
    говорить по существу, переходить к делу
    "I know something about your troubles, so don't beat about the bush, come to the point at once."
  • come true
    сбываться, осуществляться, претворяться в жизнь
    "Happy birthday to you! May all your dreams come true!"
  • come unglued
    потерять контроль, очень расстроиться
    The owner of a small store came unglued when he learned that his store had burned down.
  • come up
    случиться, внезапно произойти
    "I know that you are worried about your parents. I'll let you know if something comes up."
  • come up in a discussion
    стать предметом дискуссии
    The issue of extra office hours suddenly came up in a discussion during the meeting.
  • come up in the world
    выйти в люди, преуспеть, делать карьеру "идти в гору"
    He is an extremely clear-headed and cautious young man; he is destined to come up in the world.
  • come up smelling like roses
    оправиться (после неудач, трудных времён)
    Linda had a lot of problems, but when I met her yesterday, she came up smelling like roses.
  • come up with (something)
    найти ответ, придумать что-либо
    Joe tried to come up with something interesting to do.
  • come what may
    будь, что будет; что бы ни случилось
    Come what may I am resolute to conquer the highest peak of the mountain.
  • come with the territory
    ожидаемое положение дел "иначе и быть не может"
    The fact that she has to work late at night comes with the territory with her job as a newscaster.
  • come-down
    понижение (по службе), уменьшение доходов, влияния
    Ronald's recent status is a come-down; he used to be invited to big functions but is now ignored.