Идиомы на букву H

  • hot air
    болтовня, хвастовство, пустые слова
    Nobody takes him seriously; he is always full of hot air.
  • hot and heavy
    серьёзные страсти или эмоции
    The battle scenes in the action film were hot and heavy.
  • hot on (someone or something)
    увлечённый кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Steve was hot on gambling.
  • hot potato
    ситуация, которая может доставить неприятность
    They were sued for damage and if they don't deal with the situation promptly, it may be a hot potato.
  • hot rod
    автомобиль, переделанный для участия в гонках
    Jimmy is a member of a hot rod club and he is going to take part in car races next week.
  • hot under the collar
    рассердившийся, взбешённый, возмущенный
    Lionel had the knack of leaving everybody hot under the collar and he knew it.