Идиомы на букву H

  • hang (someone) in effigy
    повесить чучело ненавистного человека
    Jill hated her ex-husband that's why she hung him in effigy.
  • hang a left
    повернуть налево, сделать левый поворот
    I asked the policemen the way to the gas station and he told me to hang a left from the supermarket.
  • hang a right
    повернуть направо, сделать правый поворот
    I drove along the main street and hung a right at the crossing.
  • hang around
    бездействовать, слоняться без дела
    A few men were hanging around at street corners, waiting for the pubs to open.
  • hang back
    колебаться, быть нерасположенным делать что-либо
    When volunteers were asked for, not one man hung back.
  • hang in (there)
    крепиться, не бросать, упорствовать
    "You should hang in there and not give way to despair."
  • hang in the balance
    не принявший решения, "быть в подвешенном состоянии"
    The future of the company is hanging in the balance; they haven't decided yet what to do.
  • Hang it!
    Чёрт подери! Тьфу, пропасть! (восклицание, выражающее досаду, недовольство)
    "Hang it", Lucas said when he saw his mother-in-law approaching their house.
  • hang loose
    отдыхать, расслабляться
    His only desire was to stay at home that weekend and hang loose.
  • hang on
    продолжать, не класть трубку (о телефонном разговоре)
    The conditions were quite favorable, and David decided to hang on and keep his business going.
  • hang on (someone's) every word
    слушать кого-либо с большим вниманием
    The lecture was very interesting, and the students hung on every word of the lecturer.
  • hang on by one's fingernails
    находиться в трудной ситуации, "держаться на волоске"
    The company was going on with the work, but it was obvious they were hanging on by their fingernails.
  • hang on to (something)
    крепко держать что-либо
    A strong wind was blowing and we had to hang on to our hats and coats.
  • hang one on
    очень сильно напиться
    He stayed in the pub all evening and hung one on.
  • hang one's hat (somewhere)
    жить, иметь место жительства
    Gina would like to hang her hat in a small town near the sea.
  • hang out one's shingle
    объявить об открытии, сделать вывеску
    Dr. Rayan decided to notify the public of the opening of his surgery, so he hung out his shingle.
  • hang tough
    придерживаться чего-либо одного
    Carry decided to hang tough and stay in her present job.
  • hang up (something)
    повесить что-либо на крючок \ вешалку
    "Will you please hang up your coats before you enter the room?"
  • hang up (the telephone)
    повесить трубку (телефона)
    When I heard the doorbell, I hung up the telephone and went to open the door.
  • hang-up
    задержка в чем-либо, нервная реакция на что-либо
    There was a hang-up in the delivery of the goods to the grocery store.