Идиомы на букву H

  • have a big heart
    быть добрым, щедрым, великодушным
    Tamara had a big heart and was always ready to help her relatives and friends.
  • have a change of heart
    передумать, изменить своё мнение или решение (обычно на положительное)
    At first Jeremy didn't want to make up a quarrel with his girl friend, but then he had a change of heart.
  • have a heart
    быть щедрым, уметь прощать
    Sally is generous and forgiving; she has a heart and everybody likes her.
  • have a heart of gold
    иметь золотой характер (быть щедрым, искренним, доброжелательным)
    Ms. Evanson has a heart of gold; she is sincere and friendly.
  • have a heart of stone
    быть холодным и неприветливым; "сердце как камень"
    Ricardo has a heart of stone; he is cold and unfriendly.
  • have a heart-to-heart talk with (someone)
    иметь искрений \ сердечный разговор с кем-либо
    "Look here, Fanny! I would like to have a heart-to-heart talk with you."
  • have a soft spot in one's heart (for someone or something)
    любить кого-либо \ что-либо
    Ms. Hackomada had a soft spot in her heart for her nieces and nephews.
  • have one's heart go out to someone
    испытывать сострадание к кому-либо
    I had my heart go out to the man who had lost his whole family in an air crash.
  • have one's heart in the right place
    иметь добрые намерения, быть добрым, отзывчивым человеком
    His daughters were plain, disinterested girls, but they had their hearts in the right place.
  • have one's heart set against (something)
    быть решительно против чего-либо
    Clare's mother had her heart set against her daughter's marriage.
  • have one's heart set on (something)
    очень хотеть чего-либо, настроиться на что-либо
    I have my heart set on going on a trip to London.
  • heart and soul
    всем сердцем
    The mother loved her son heart and soul.
  • heart bleeds for (someone)
    сочувствовать кому-либо, сердце кровью обливается за кого-либо
    My heart bleeds for the victims of the war in Ossetia.
  • heart goes out to (someone)
    искренне сочувствовать кому-либо, жалеть кого-либо
    The girl looked very miserable and unhappy and Maria's heart went out to her.
  • heart is dead set against (something)
    быть решительно настроенным против чего-либо
    My heart was dead set against buying a secondhand car.
  • heart is in the right place
    быть добрым, отзывчивым
    Julia might be tough sometimes, but her heart is in the right place.
  • heart is not in (something)
    не быть расположенным к чему-либо, "сердце не лежит"
    I am a secretary and I do my work well, but actually my heart is not in it.
  • heart is set against (something)
    быть настроенным против чего-либо
    Sandra's heart was set against her daughter's marriage.
  • heart is set on (something)
    очень хотеть чего-либо, желать всем сердцем
    Wanda's heart was set on immigrating to Canada.
  • heart misses/skips a beat
    испугаться или быть взволнованным
    It was pitch dark in the room, and my heart skipped a beat when I heard someone moving about.
  • heart of gold
    золотое сердце (о добром, щедром и великодушном человеке)
    Kelly's Grandma, who had a heart of gold, was a very kind and generous person.
  • heart of stone
    холодный безжалостный, "каменное сердце"
    Gloria had a heart of stone; she was neither kind nor sympathetic.
  • heart stands still
    быть очень испуганным или обеспокоенным, "сердце остановилось"
    My heart stood still when I heard strange sounds coming from my bedroom.
  • heart to heart
    искренний, сердечный
    Vivian was looking forward to having heart to heart talk with her daughter.
  • heavy heart
    чувство печали, "с тяжёлым сердцем"
    Her father was very sick, and Nina had a heavy heart because of it.