Идиомы на букву B

  • be to blame
    быть виноватым
    The boy said he was not to blame for the broken window; it was not his fault.
  • be/have something going for (one)
    быть в чью-либо пользу, быть благосклонным к кому-либо
    She has everything going for her that's why she is so successful.
  • bean counter
    бухгалтер (beans – бобы или деньги)
    The bean counter was asked to look over the figures in the budget for the next year.
  • bear (someone or something) in mind
    иметь кого-либо или что-либо в виду
    Wanda ought to bear this risky affair in mind; it might be a fraud, for all I know.
  • bear (something) out
    подтверждать, подкреплять, поддерживать
    "Your laziness can only bear out the fact that you are not going to be a good worker."
  • bear fruit
    приносить плоды, иметь результат
    "If you work hard at your English, it will certainly bear fruit sooner or later."
  • bear in mind
    иметь в виду
    I want you to bear in mind that the child is too small to be left alone at home.
  • bear one's cross
    нести свой крест
    Nora, who had three children, was the only money earner in the family and she had to bear her cross.
  • bear the brunt of (something)
    нести всю тяжесть, испытывать трудности, держать главный удар
    The small island couldn't bear the brunt of the severe storm.
  • bear with (someone or something)
    быть терпеливым по отношению к кому-то, смириться с чем-либо
    To be a good teacher means to bear with everyone you are teaching.
  • bear witness (to something)
    свидетельствовать о чем-либо своим существованием
    The entire cosmos bears witness to the disruptive events surrounding the Big Bang.
    Весь космос свидетельствует о разрушительных событиях, связанных с Большим взрывом.
  • bear/hold a grudge (against someone)
    иметь зуб на кого-либо, быть сердитым на кого-то продолжительное время
    Margaret has born a grudge against her ex-boyfriend for years.
  • beat (someone) to the punch/draw
    обскакать кого-то (сделать работу прежде других)
    Susan beat Mark to the punch and completed the test ahead of him.
  • beat (something) into (someone's) head
    вбить что-либо в голову кого-либо
    "Whether you want it or not, I'll try to beat the rule into your head."
  • beat a hasty retreat
    обратиться в бегство, поспешно ретироваться
    The bandits beat a hasty retreat when the policemen attacked them.
  • beat a path to (someone's) door
    проторить дорогу, приходить толпами
    The local children have beaten a path to the door of the computer game center.
  • beat around the bush
    не давать прямого ответа, "ходить вокруг да около"
    "Stop beating around the bush. I want to get a direct answer."
  • beat one's brains out
    шевелить мозгами (много умственно трудиться)
    The author beat his brains out in order to think up the proper title for his book.
  • beat one's head against the wall
    биться головой об стену (зря тратить время, делая бесполезное дело)
    While speaking to my son, I felt as if I were beating my head against the wall.
  • beat the clock
    закончить до срока
    The lecturer decided to beat the clock and finish the lecture ten minutes before the bell.
  • beat the gun
    опережать, (досл. делать что-либо перед финальным свистком)
    One of the football players was able to beat the gun and scored a goal.
  • beat the living daylights out of (someone)
    душу выбить из кого-либо, сильно избить
    A group of men beat the living daylights out of a security guard at the bank.
  • beat the rap
    избежать наказания
    Having hired a sophisticated lawyer, Jeremy was able to beat the rap.
  • beat the tar out of (someone)
    душу выбить из кого-либо, сильно избить
    Joe's father was a cruel man; he often beat the tar out of his son.
  • beat up (someone)
    избить кого-либо
    Suddenly a man attacked Jimmy and began to beat him up.
  • becoming on/to (someone)
    быть к лицу кому-либо, идти кому-либо (об одежде)
    "This dark jacket doesn't look very becoming on you."
  • beef up (something)
    усилить, увеличить количество
    Fire Chief Brown asked the police to beef up security guards around the fire site.
  • before long
    Before long I saw Mary and Jack walking away from the car park arm in arm.
  • beg the question
    возникать (о проблеме), напрашиваться (о вопросе)
    The desire to purchase modern furniture begged the question of where to get the money for it.
  • beg to differ with (someone)
    вежливо выразить несогласие с кем-либо
    "I am sorry but I beg to differ with you on that point."
  • begin to see the light
    начать понимать что-то (нашло просветление)
    At first I couldn't understand the situation, but before long I began to see the light.
  • behind (someone's) back
    за чьей-то спиной, тайно
    I hate people who gossip behind my back.
  • behind closed doors
    за закрытыми дверями, по секрету, в тайне от других
    The meeting devoted to the financial situation of the firm took place behind closed doors.
  • behind in/on (something)
    отставать, запаздывать в чем-то (учёбе, работе)
    Julia was behind in her work, that's why she had to stay after office hours.
  • behind one's back
    (делать что-либо) за чьей-либо спиной
    I hate people who gossip behind my back.