Идиомы на букву B

  • big cheese/gun/wheel
    важная персона, лидер, "большой человек"
    Mr. Cheeswick used to be a big wheel in his previous company, but he is not so important now.
  • big enchilada
    воротила, шишка
    There are many managers in our company, but Bill is the big enchilada in it.
  • big fish in a small pond
    великан среди пигмеев, "шишка на ровном месте"
    "I don't think much of Jeremy Brown; he seems to be a big fish in a small pond."
  • big frog/fish in a small pond
    великан среди пигмеев, шишка на ровном месте
    "I don't think much of Jeremy Brown; he seems to be a big fish in a small pond."
  • big of (someone)
    быть щедрым, добрым по отношении к кому-либо
    It is very big of you to let me use your books.
  • big shot
    большая шишка (о важном и могущественном человеке)
    This man used to be a big shot in the shipbuilding industry.
  • bigmouth
    шумный, хвастливый и глупый собеседник, говорун
    Nora Dales is a bigmouth and I hate talking with her.
  • bigwig
    важная персона, шишка
    Jeremy Brown thinks he is a bigwig in the office, which he really is not.
  • binge and purge
    страдать рвотой
    Sue always eats too much, and she often binge and purge her food.
  • bird brain
    очень глупый, "куриные мозги"
    Miss Davidson, the secretary, is a bird brain, and she is always making mistakes at work.
  • bird in hand is worth two in the bush
    дать надёжное, верное дело (не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки)
    I don't advise you to sell your shares; remember "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush".
  • bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
    Одна птица в руках стоит двух в кустах. (пословица)
    "I think you shouldn't spend your money so recklessly until you are able to earn more. Remember that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
  • birds and bees
    птички и пчёлки, дети в капусте (объяснение ребёнку, откуда берутся дети)
    The time comes when it is necessary to tell the children about birds and bees.
  • birds of a feather flock together
    Рыбак рыбака видит издалека. (Пословица)
    "Do not complain about your relatives. Remember that birds of a feather flock together. You are very similar to them."
  • birds-eye view
    взгляд с высоты птичьего полёта
    They had a birds-eye view of the stage from their seats high up in the gallery.
  • birthday suit
    голый, "в чём мать родила"
    The children were bathing in the sea in their birthday suits.
  • bite (someone's) head off
    говорить сердито с кем-либо
    I would have confessed my fault to my mother if I were not afraid that she might bite my head off.
  • bite off more than one can chew
    взяться за непосильное дело, не рассчитать своих сил
    "I think you bit off more than you could chew by agreeing to make arrangements for a show."
  • bite one's nails
    нервничать, грызть ногти
    I was biting my nails as I waited for the results of the test.
  • bite one's tongue
    прикусить (себе) язык, не проговориться
    I'd rather bite my tongue than tell my parents about my problem.
  • bite the bullet
    достойно пережить трудную ситуацию
    Jim decided to bite the bullet and begin to read for his final exams.
  • bite the dust
    быть побеждённым, пасть на поле боя, развалиться (о вещи)
    Bill's boat was so old that it might bite the dust pretty soon.
  • bite the hand that feeds (someone)
    платить чёрной неблагодарностью; кусать руку, которая тебя кормит
    Henry is rude to his parents who pay for his education. I think he bites the hand that feeds him.
  • bite the hand that feeds one
    платить чёрной неблагодарностью; кусать руку, которая тебя кормит
    "Remember your father still supports you, so don't bite the hand that feeds you."
  • bitten by (some kind of) bug
    заинтересоваться какой-либо деятельностью
    My sister got interested in collecting butterflies as if she had been bitten by some kind of bug.
  • bitter pill to swallow
    проглотить горькую пилюлю; что-либо неприятное, которое надо пережить
    Losing the game was a bitter pill to swallow for the whole team.
  • black and blue
    (быть) в синяках
    I bruised my arm and it was black and blue for a long time.
  • black and white
    видеть что-либо только в чёрно-белым свете
    My friend Melanie sees everything only in black and white.
  • black box
    чёрный ящик
    After the airplane crash the investigators tried to find the black box of the airplane.
  • black eye
    синяк под глазом
    When the boys appeared in the room, one of them had a black eye and the other a cut lip; they had been fighting.
  • black market
    чёрный рынок
    We bought a few things at the black market.
  • black out
    сделать затемнение
    I drew the curtains to black out the bedroom so that the rays of the sun wouldn't wake me up.
  • black sheep of the family
    паршивая овца (в семье)
    My cousin Cora is a high school dropout. My relatives think her to be the black sheep of the family.
  • black-tie event/affair
    официальное (формальное) мероприятие
    The Nobel Prize award ceremony was a black-tie affair.
  • blackball (someone)
    подвергать остракизму, отвергать кого-либо
    The children blackballed one of the boys because he told on them.