Идиомы на букву H

  • hold out on (someone)
    отказываться соглашаться с кем-либо
    The employees are holding out on the Board of Directors and won't sign their contracts.
  • hold out the olive branch to (someone)
    делать мирные предложения, стараться уладить дело миром
    Silvester offered his friend to end up their friction and held out the olive branch to him.
  • hold over (something)
    откладывать, держать в резерве
    The judge said he would hold over Julia's case till the next sitting of the court.
  • hold still
    не двигаться
    "Please, Jackie, hold still while I wipe the dirt from your face."
  • hold the fort
    замещать кого-либо, справляться в случае крайней необходимости
    "Who is going to hold the fort while the boss is on vacation?"
  • hold the line at (something)
    не поддаваться нажиму
    My boss is holding the line at any innovations in the company because he thinks they are not necessary.
  • hold the reins
    быть самым влиятельным человеком; "держать бразды правления"
    "Who is holding the reins in this company now?"
  • hold true
    быть правдой
    It doesn't hold true that he is the most influential person in the company.
  • hold up
    поднять, останавливать
    "Will you please hold up your hands those who want to go on a student trip to the mountains?"
  • hold up (as an example)
    ставить в пример
    The boy was held up before the whole school as an example of neatness and diligence.
  • hold water
    быть хорошей идеей, звучать убедительно
    Your suggestion of sailing across the Atlantic in winter doesn't hold water.
  • hold-out
    George is the last hold-out among those who refuse to give up smoking.