Идиомы на букву T

  • tell (someone) a thing or two
    сказать кому-либо кое-что (неприятное)
    My cousin took my laptop without my permission and I am going to tell her a thing or two.
  • tell (someone) a thing or two (about something)
    сказать кому-либо кое-что (неприятное), ругать кого-либо
    My cousin took my laptop without my permission, and I am going to tell her a thing or two.
  • tell (someone) off
    бранить, отчитать, распекать кого-либо
    I had meant to tell Anna off, but she didn't turn up that day.
  • tell (someone) to his or her face
    сказать кому-либо прямо в лицо
    We are going to tell Willy to his face that he had let us down.
  • tell (someone) where to get off
    ругать кого-либо, пробирать
    Rick was playing loud music late at night and I told him where to get off.
  • tell apart (two things or people)
    отличать (одно от другого)
    The puppies look so much alike; it's difficult to tell them apart.
  • tell it like it is
    говорить как есть, говорить правду
    I decided to be honest with my friend concerning our relationship and tell it like it is.
  • tell on (someone)
    рассказать о чьём-либо проступке
    Marcia told on her younger brother for having eaten all of the ice-cream.
  • tell time
    сказать сколько времени на часах (говорится обыкновенно о детях)
    "Can you little daughter tell time yet?"