Идиомы на букву A
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as red as a poppy
ярко-красный (как мак)I fell down the stairs, and the mark on my knee was as red as a poppy.
as red as a lobster
красный (как рак)When Sandra came home from the beach, she was as red as a lobster after sitting in the sun too much.
all in a day's work
часть того, что нужно делать; что-то ожидаемоеIt was all in a day's work when the police arrested the criminal.
as mad as a hornet
очень злой (как оса)My brother got as mad as a hornet when he learnt that I had lost his disks.
as ugly as a toad
некрасивый, страшный как жабаPam had a flat nose with wide nostrils, small beady eyes and a double chin and looked as ugly as a toad.
at the top of one's lungs
(кричать) очень громко; во всё горлоI saw my friend on the other side of the road and yelled at the top of my lungs to attract his attention.
all eyes are on (someone or something)
все глаза устремлены на кого-либо \ что-либоWhen the singer came out onto the stage, all eyes were on him.
air one's dirty linen in public
обсуждать личные проблемы в присутствии посторонних, "выносить сор из избы"I don't think much of people who prefer to air their dirty linen in public.
act high and mighty
вести себя высокомерно и властноStella acted high and mighty that's why no one liked her.
Annual General Meeting - ежегодное общее собрание организацииMy boss attended the AGM of the shareholders last Tuesday.
all rolled up in one
совмещать (два или более в одном)Julian Manners is a p.e. teacher and a football coach all rolled up in one.
at stake
(быть) поставленным на карту, рисковатьThe situation was very risky and George felt as if his whole life were at stake.
after a fashion
до известной степени, некоторым образом, кое-какJack did his home assignment after a fashion but certainly not very well.
all day long
весь деньMary has been working in the garden all day long.
as naked as a jaybird
голый, "в чём мать родила"Jeremy had a swim in the lake, and when he got out of the water he was as naked as a jaybird.
after all
в конце концов, после всегоI didn't know what language classes to elect, but then I made up my mind to take French after all.
afraid of one's own shadow
бояться собственной тениDon't be a coward; it's silly of you to be afraid of your own shadow.
as graceful as a swan
грациозный как лебедьThe ballet dancer was as graceful as a swan.
all of a sudden
внезапно, вдругWe were watching television when all of a sudden the electricity went off.
as hoarse as a crow
охрипшийI had to talk very much that day and was as hoarse as a crow by the evening.
at heart
в глубине душиI thought her to be a bit tough, but now I know she is very vulnerable at heart.
at hand
близко, под рукойThere was no dictionary at hand, so I didn't look up the new words.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - синдром приобретённого иммунодефицита (СПИД)AIDS patients are not contagious.
as red as blood
красный как кровьI spilled red ink on the table and the stain was as red as blood.
as plain as the nose on one's face
совершенно очевидноThe cause of the accident was clearly evident; it was as plain as the nose on my face.
arm in arm
(идти) под руку, рука об рукуJohn and Mary were walking along the street arm in arm.
all along
всё времяJeremy has known about my problems all along.
as soft as down
мягкий как пухThe little girl's fair hair was as soft as down.
at a premium
более высокая цена (за уникальность)The tickets for the first night performance were selling at a premium.
armed to the teeth
вооружен до зубовThe police stopped a car. The man in the car was armed to the teeth.
all the rage
последний писк (о моде)I strongly advise you to buy these jeans; they are all the rage of the season.
as one
все как одинThe audience stood up as one and began to applaud the actors.
Absent Without Leave - самоволка (отсутствие без увольнительной)One of the soldiers had gone AWOL and the military police were looking for him.
all at once
внезапно, без предупрежденияAll at once the lightning struck and it started to pour.
at this stage of the game
в момент какого-либо события, в разгар чего-либоAt this stage of the game it is quite impossible to change our plans.