Идиомы на букву A
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at the expense of (someone or something)
за счёт чего-либо, кого-либоSamuel Potter has become a talented musician, but only at the expense of his health.
attract (someone's) attention
привлекать (чьё-либо) вниманиеA car standing near the curb attracted my attention.
at a stretch
непрерывно, подрядIt is very seldom that I can enjoy my holiday for three weeks at a stretch.
any number of (someone or something)
достаточное количество"You always have any number of excuses for missing your classes.
at ease
раскованно; свободно; удобно, как домаI always feel at ease in the presence of my friends.
at this juncture
в настоящее время, теперьAt this juncture, there was no sense to go on with negotiations.
at the appointed time/hour
в назначенное время, в назначенный часSarah and I were to meet in the cafe at the appointed hour.
augur well for (someone or something)
предсказывать, предвещать что-то хорошееThe thriving business is a good thing; it augurs well for the company.
at large
на свободеA wolf escaped from the Zoo and was at large for a couple of days.
at peace
быть в мире с самим собой, быть счастливымThe old man looked relaxed and at peace.
at sea (about something)
быть в растерянностиLooking at the map of London, Sam was at sea; he didn't understand anything on it.
as yet
до настоящего времениAs yet, we know nothing about his intentions.
at last
наконецI repeated my question several times, and at last the policeman understood it.
at best
в лучшем случаеMy teacher told me that I had two weeks at best in which to finish writing my essay.
at first blush
на первый взглядAt first blush Samuel seemed to be kind and decent, but he turned out to be quite mean.
at once
сразу же, немедленноHaving learnt the news, Hilda called me at once.
at a sitting
в один приём, за один разThe cake was so tasty that we finished all of it at a sitting.
at it again
настаивать на своём (ты снова за своё?)"Stop being stubborn! You are at it again! I won't have you behave like that."
at (someone's) earliest convenience
для чьего-либо или для собственного удобства (по первому зову)"I will visit you at your earliest convenience, I promise."
at (someone's) service
к услугам кого-либо, в чьём-то распоряженииIf you stay at a good hotel, all the members of the staff will be at your service day and night.
assault and battery
нападение с причинением увечьяSeveral men were arrested for assault and battery after the fight in the park.
at risk
рисковать, быть в опасностиThere was a severe storm on the sea, and the passengers of a small boat were at risk of getting drowned.
at the bottom of the hour
в половине какого-либо часа (10:30, 11:30, и т.д.)At the bottom of the hour they opened the exhibition for the visitors.