Идиомы на букву A

  • at the expense of (someone or something)
    за счёт чего-либо, кого-либо
    Samuel Potter has become a talented musician, but only at the expense of his health.
  • attract (someone's) attention
    привлекать (чьё-либо) внимание
    A car standing near the curb attracted my attention.
  • at a stretch
    непрерывно, подряд
    It is very seldom that I can enjoy my holiday for three weeks at a stretch.
  • any number of (someone or something)
    достаточное количество
    "You always have any number of excuses for missing your classes.
  • at ease
    раскованно; свободно; удобно, как дома
    I always feel at ease in the presence of my friends.
  • at this juncture
    в настоящее время, теперь
    At this juncture, there was no sense to go on with negotiations.
  • at the appointed time/hour
    в назначенное время, в назначенный час
    Sarah and I were to meet in the cafe at the appointed hour.
  • augur well for (someone or something)
    предсказывать, предвещать что-то хорошее
    The thriving business is a good thing; it augurs well for the company.
  • at large
    на свободе
    A wolf escaped from the Zoo and was at large for a couple of days.
  • at peace
    быть в мире с самим собой, быть счастливым
    The old man looked relaxed and at peace.
  • at sea (about something)
    быть в растерянности
    Looking at the map of London, Sam was at sea; he didn't understand anything on it.
  • as yet
    до настоящего времени
    As yet, we know nothing about his intentions.
  • at last
    I repeated my question several times, and at last the policeman understood it.
  • at best
    в лучшем случае
    My teacher told me that I had two weeks at best in which to finish writing my essay.
  • at first blush
    на первый взгляд
    At first blush Samuel seemed to be kind and decent, but he turned out to be quite mean.
  • at once
    сразу же, немедленно
    Having learnt the news, Hilda called me at once.
  • at a sitting
    в один приём, за один раз
    The cake was so tasty that we finished all of it at a sitting.
  • at it again
    настаивать на своём (ты снова за своё?)
    "Stop being stubborn! You are at it again! I won't have you behave like that."
  • at (someone's) earliest convenience
    для чьего-либо или для собственного удобства (по первому зову)
    "I will visit you at your earliest convenience, I promise."
  • at (someone's) service
    к услугам кого-либо, в чьём-то распоряжении
    If you stay at a good hotel, all the members of the staff will be at your service day and night.
  • assault and battery
    нападение с причинением увечья
    Several men were arrested for assault and battery after the fight in the park.
  • at risk
    рисковать, быть в опасности
    There was a severe storm on the sea, and the passengers of a small boat were at risk of getting drowned.
  • at the bottom of the hour
    в половине какого-либо часа (10:30, 11:30, и т.д.)
    At the bottom of the hour they opened the exhibition for the visitors.