Идиомы на букву A

  • above and beyond
    больше, чем требуется; больше, чем нужно
    I appreciate your kindness; you did above and beyond to help me.
  • as busy as popcorn on a skillet
    очень активный, подвижный
    The little boy was as busy as popcorn on a skillet all day long.
  • as hungry as a bear
    голодный как волк
    I was as hungry as a bear that afternoon, and I told my mother that I could eat a horse.
  • at sixes and sevens
    приводить в недоумение, озадачить, поставить в тупик
    The students were at sixes and sevens when they looked at the timetable for the new semester.
  • abide by a decision
    придерживаться решения суда
    The construction company had to abide by the decision of the court.
  • able to (do something) standing on one's head
    уметь делать что-либо легко и быстро
    Jim has always been a skilled worker; he is able to do his job standing on his head.
  • acquire a taste for (something)
    приобрести вкус к чему-либо
    Having visited an art gallery, he acquired a taste for modern art.
  • abide by (something)
    придерживаться правил
    If you want to be a member of this club, you are to abide by its rules.
  • as drunk as a skunk
    очень пьяный, "пьян в стельку"
    The bartender refused to sell Jonny any alcohol because he was as drunk as a skunk.
  • as awkward as a cow on roller skates
    быть очень неловким, "как корова на льду"
    Jane isn't much of a dancer, and she was as awkward as a cow on roller skates when Jim invited her.
  • at the drop of a hat
    тотчас же, спонтанно
    When my friend wants my assistance, I help him at the drop of a hat.
  • as strong as a horse/lion/ox
    сильный как бык
    Collin is as strong as an ox; he is the strongest among his friends.
  • as merry as a cricket
    весёлый (как сверчок)
    Laura is a sunny person; she is always as merry as a cricket.
  • as conceited as a barber's cat
    тщеславный, полный самомнения
    Having won the award at the Annual Fair, Timothy became as conceited as a barber's cat.
  • as black as a skillet
    очень чёрный (как сковорода)
    Alan's hands were as black as a skillet when he finished repairing his car.
  • as stubborn as a mule
    упрямый, как осёл
    If a person is as stubborn as a mule, it's impossible to make him change his mind.
  • all ears
    внимательно слушать
    The lecture was very interesting, and the students were all ears.
  • as sour as vinegar
    угрюмый, неприветливый, (кислый как уксус)
    Mr. Fiber is not at all friendly; he is as sour as vinegar.
  • all thumbs
    неуклюжий, неловкий (человек); "руки-крюки"
    Jenny is all thumbs; she often breaks dishes while washing up.
  • against the clock
    торопиться что-либо сделать пока не поздно
    They worked against the clock to complete the job.
  • all in one breath
    на одном дыхании
    Pat was in a hurry and she told me all in one breath what had happened to their family.
  • as fat as a pig
    жирный как свинья
    "If you go on eating as much as you do now, you'll be as fat as a pig."
  • as happy as a clam
    счастливый и довольный (как двустворчатый моллюск)
    The little boy was as happy as a clam when he was given a new bicycle.
  • as sly as a fox
    хитрый как лиса
    Our neighbor Miss Cunning is as sly as a fox.
  • as quiet as a mouse
    тихий как мышь, робкий
    The child was playing with her toys and was as quiet as a mouse.
  • as wise as an owl
    очень мудрый (как сова)
    I often ask my Granny's advise because she is as wise as an owl.
  • absent-minded
    I don't think much of Jack; he is so absent-minded.
  • as slippery as an eel
    скользкий как угорь, увёртливый, изворотливый
    Paul is as slippery as an eel, and I am sure he cannot be trusted.
  • as black as night
    черный как ночь"
    The old house was as black as night when we entered it.
  • apple of (someone's) eye
    чей-либо объект любви, привязанности (свет очей, зеница ока)
    Kelly's little son is the apple of her eye.
  • as meek as a lamb
    послушный, кроткий как ягнёнок
    On the surface Kelly is as meek as a lamb, but I know that actually she is naughty and quarrelsome.
  • as a duck takes to water
    естественно, как рыба в воде
    Sofia plunged into the water and started to swim easily and naturally, just as a duck takes to water.
  • about time
    пора бы
    I am very annoyed with you; it's about time you minded your own business.
  • ace in the hole
    скрытое преимущество, козырь про запас
    I have an ace in the hole, and I can use it to gain advantage over the other members of the staff.
  • as black as the ace of spades
    очень чёрный (как негр)
    When she returned from the beach, she was as black as the ace of spades.