Идиомы на букву A

  • as scarce as hen's teeth
    редко встречающийся или не существующий
    In summer cheap hotels everywhere are as scarce as hen's teeth.
  • as black as pitch
    тёмный как ночь
    Approaching the house, we saw that it was as black as night.
  • about to (do something)
    собираться делать что-то
    We were about to leave the house when it started to rain.
  • able to breathe easily again
    вздохнуть свободно
    When Hillary paid her bank loan, she was able to breathe easily again.
  • add insult to injury
    наносить новые оскорбления
    I felt pretty bad because my car had broken down, and instead of feeling sorry for me my father added insult to injury.
  • as black as a sweep
    очень грязный (как трубочист)
    "Look! You are as black as a sweep! What have you done to your face and hands?"
  • at the eleventh hour
    в самый последний момент
    Aunt Maria was in a great hurry, and she remembered to lock the door at the eleventh hour.
  • add fuel to the fire
    подлить масла в огонь
    I wanted to calm him down, but my words only added fuel to the fire.
  • all-in-one
    всё вместе
    My record player has a recording and playing function all-in-one.
  • ahead of time
    раньше времени, раньше срока
    I asked the permission of my boss to leave work ahead of time.
  • all in one piece
    целым и невредимым
    As we packed all the breakable things carefully, we hoped that they would arrive all in one piece.
  • albatross (around someone's neck)
    помеха на пути к успеху
    Jack's lack of a proper education is an albatross around his neck, and it prevents him from getting a good job.
  • according to Hoyle
    в соответствии с правилами, по правилам (Хойл написал хорошо известную книгу о правилах в карточной игре)
    According to Hoyle, the in-patients are not allowed to leave the hospital grounds.
  • all over the place
    везде, повсеместно
    I looked all over the place for my textbook.
  • act up
    вести себя плохо
    The students often act up during the breaks.
  • at each other's throats
    драться, спорить всё время (брать друг друга за горло)
    The husband and wife argue a lot and are always at each other's throats.
  • as broad as a barn door
    очень толстый, (широкий как амбарная дверь)
    Mrs. Smart, the cook in the restaurant, was as broad as a barn door.
    Миссис Смарт, повар из ресторана, была очень толстой.
  • attracted to (someone)
    почувствовать влечение к кому-либо
    As soon as Robert saw Linda, he got immediately attracted to her.
  • as black as a stack of black cats
    очень чёрный (как множество чёрных кошек)
    Tina's dress was as black as a stack of black cats.
  • at one time
    одно время
    At one time Jim had to combine work and studies at a community college.
  • add up (to something)
    означать что-то, являться результатом чего-то
    The information you gave us doesn't mean anything; it doesn't add up.
  • after one's own heart
    быть приятным кому-либо, быть по душе \ по сердцу, радовать кого-либо
    "Cheer up! We are going to have a day after your own heart."
  • as mad as a wet hen
    Peter suspected that Joanna had deceived him and was as mad as a wet hen.
  • arrow in one's quiver
    чьё-либо преимущество перед другими (досл. ещё одна стрела в колчане)
    Her good knowledge of the computer was another arrow in her quiver, which helped her to get a good job.
  • almighty dollar
    всемогущий доллар
    Tom thinks that money is more important than anything else, and he spends his life chasing the almighty dollar.
  • as easy as duck soup
    очень легко, без усилий
    Persuading my father to buy a new computer was as easy as duck soup.
  • act one's age
    вести себя по взрослому
    My niece is in her early thirties, but she prefers not to act her age.
  • at death's door
    на пороге смерти
    It was only at death's door that Timothy could confess his fault.
  • all in (someone's) mind
    воображать несуществующую проблему
    "Please, don't bother me with your problem. It is all in your mind. It does not exist."
  • as white as a ghost
    бледный как смерть (как призрак)
    Pam looked as white as a ghost after her illness.
  • able to do (something) blindfolded
    делать что-то вслепую, делать что-то легко и быстро
    Jim has always been a skilled worker; he does his job blindfolded.
  • at one sitting
    за один присест
    I expected the sausage to last for two meals, but it was eaten at one sitting.
  • at the end of the day
    принимая всё во внимание
    At the end of the day, he felt it was impossible to go on with his work.
  • as scared as a rabbit
    пугливый как заяц
    The little boy became as scared as a rabbit when he saw that he was surrounded by strangers.
  • ahead of one's time
    опередивший своё время, свою эпоху (во взглядах, поступках и т.д.)
    Newton's ideas in physics were very much ahead of his time.