Идиомы на букву A

  • ask for the moon
    желать недостижимого
    You will never get what you want, so it's no use asking for the moon.
  • after the fact
    после свершившегося
    They were told, after the fact, that the insurance company would not pay to rebuild the house.
  • after all is said and done
    наконец, после всего
    After all is said and done, they have shown a very good performance.
  • all sweetness and light
    казаться хорошим, невинным
    Outwardly Celia is all sweetness and light, but I know she is not that good.
  • as red as a ruby
    красный (рубиновый оттенок)
    Marion likes deep red and her lips are usually as red as a ruby.
  • AI
    Artificial Intelligence - искусственный интеллект
    The Japanese have been researching AI for many years now.
  • as soft as a baby's bottom
    очень мягкий и гладкий (как кожа младенца)
    My fleece jacket is as soft as a baby's bottom.
  • ASAP
    As Soon As Possible - как можно скорее
    My boss left a note on my computer, "Please complete the rough copy of the letter and give it to me ASAP."
  • as white as the driven snow
    белый как снег
    The sheets on the bed were as white as the driven snow.
  • all the time
    постоянно, всё время
    My friend Oliver goes to the health club all the time.
  • as calm as a toad in the sun
    очень спокойный и довольный (как жаба на солнце)
    Jeremy looked as calm as a toad in the sun during the baseball game.
  • as busy as a one-armed paperhanger
    очень занятый
    "Don't call on me today. Now I am as busy as a one-armed paperhanger."
  • ante up
    делать взнос, платить необходимую сумму денег
    I have to ante up and pay the necessary amount of money for my new car, which I have recently bought on credit.
  • assault the ears
    быть очень громким, "бить по ушам"
    Our neighbors always play very loud music, and it assaults the ears.
  • all night long
    всю ночь напролёт
    I couldn't sleep well because people were shouting outside my window all night long.
  • all to the good
    всё к лучшему
    "It is all to the good that you walked out on your boy friend", my mother said.
  • at one's fingertips
    (знать) как свои пять пальцев
    John has all the facts and figures at his fingertips.
  • all in
    быть очень усталым
    Having spent long hours at the computer, Jill was all in.
  • as wild as a tiger
    очень дикий
    The dog was as wild as a tiger and he didn't allow anybody to touch him.
  • all set
    всё готово (можно начинать)
    It was all set and we decided to start on our journey.
  • all told
    всё вместе, всё включительно
    All told, there are six rooms in the house including the kitchen.
  • AM
    Amplitude Modulation - амплитудная модуляция (тип частоты на радио)
    I don't like to listen to AM radio; their programs are not interesting.
  • advise against (something)
    разубедить, отсоветовать
    We were advised against putting up a tent, the weather being very cold and nasty.
  • all talk (and no action)
    одни разговоры, а дела нет
    I wouldn't rely on Paul; he is all talk and no action.
  • at arm's length
    сделка (на расстоянии) через посредника
    I bought an apartment at arm's length and was not involved in any management decisions.
  • AOK
    великолепно, здорово
    It was AOK that Johnny was recovering.
  • at one's heels
    прямо позади, по пятам
    I turned round and saw a man who was close behind me, right at my heels.
  • at the end of one's rope
    быть на пределе своих возможностей
    Celia was at the end of her rope; she didn't know how to cope with her current situation at work.
  • at the mercy of (the court/someone)
    в полной власти, не имея защиты против (кого-либо \ чего-либо)
    The sea was stormy and the ship was at the mercy of the huge waves.
  • at a loss (for words)
    не находить нужных слов
    All of a sudden Jim started to insult me, and I was at a loss for words to talk back.
  • all right
    хорошо, нормально
    Will it be all right for me to join you?
  • as a matter of fact
    As a matter of fact cinema is the most popular entertainment for millions of people.
  • as crazy as a bedbug
    My old aunt Polly is as crazy as a bedbug.
  • APB
    All Point's Bulletin - бюллетень, содержащий сведения о преступниках (используется полицией для розыска)
    Some criminals had robbed the local bank and the police put out an APB on them.
  • around the clock
    24 часа, сутки
    Most of the supermarkets in big American cities work around the clock.