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ahead of the game
делать больше, чем необходимоThe company secretary did more work that day to be ahead of the game the next day.
Any Other Business - прочие вопросы (пишется в конце информационного листка)The secretary was supposed to write AOB at the bottom of the meeting information sheet.
able to breathe easily/freely again
снова вздохнуть свободноLinda was able to breathe easily again when her son began to recover from his illness.
all eyes
смотреть во все глазаWhen the children saw an elephant in the zoo, they were all eyes.
all hands on deck
совместная работаMs. Parker called for all hands on deck because there was a lot of work to do about the house.
act of God
форс-мажор (события, происходящие по естественным причинам: землетрясения, наводнения и т.д.)An avalanche in the mountains was an act of God.
as crazy as a loon
психMy next door neighbor, Miss Darling, is as crazy as a loon.
as sweet as honey/sugar
сладкий как сахар, сладкий как мёдMelanie's conversation is as sweet as honey, but I can't very well believe her.
as free as a bird
свободный как птицаI am through with my exams, and now I am as free as a bird.
as the crow flies
напрямик, кратчайшим путём (так же прямо, как летит птица)As the crow flies, it is not more than three miles between his house and the station.
as thick as pea soup
очень густой (как гороховый суп)The fog that day was as thick as pea soup and it caused my accidents.
at a loss
меньше, чем стоимость; финансовая потеряA lot of things were on sale but at a loss that's why the prices were very low.
as silly as a goose
очень глупыйNo wonder nobody takes Julia seriously; she is as silly as a goose.
as old as the hills
очень старыйI decided not to buy that house because it looked as old as the hills.
acid test
серьёзное испытание, пробный каменьThe money problem was an acid test in their relationships.
as gruff as a bear
грубый, неприветливыйOliver Schmidt is always as gruff as a bear, and most of his co-workers dislike him.
ask for someone's hand in marriage
просить чей-либо руки, делать предложениеHarold was not yet sure whether to ask for Marion's hand in marriage or not.
Achilles' heel (of someone or something)
слабое место кого-либо \ чего-либоJack is not able to insist on his arguments and that's his Achilles' heel.
at all costs
любой ценойHe was determined to secure his treasures at all costs.
Anno Domini - начало нашей эрыThe archeologists discovered a town which was founded in 140 AD.
as bald as a coot
совершенно лысый (похожий на птицу лысуху)My Uncle Robert is as bald as a coot.
as red as a cherry
ярко-красный (как вишня)Sara wore bright red sandals and her dress was as red as a cherry.
adjourn a meeting
закрывать заседаниеThe meeting was adjourned until the next day.
as innocent as a lamb
невинный, наивныйSara is as innocent as a lamb; she still believes that all people are kind and generous.
as red as a rose
красный как роза (интенсивный красный)The man's nose was as red as a rose from intensive drinking.
as sober as a judge
(быть) трезвым как стёклышкоWhen the traffic police stopped Mike, he swore he was as sober as a judge.
add up
подсчитывать, складывать, находить суммуIn vain George was trying to add up the figures, but they just wouldn't add up.
able to (do something) with one's eyes closed/shut
уметь очень легко делать что-либо (с закрытыми глазами)Nick is very good at repairing computers, and he was able to fix my computer with his eyes closed.
as sound as a dollar
надёжный как долларMy father's company is very secure and dependable; in fact it is as sound as a dollar.
as snug as a bug in a rug
очень уютныйI wrapped myself into a big warm comforter and felt as snug as a bug in a rug.
able to take a joke
уметь посмеяться над собойNot everybody is able to take a joke; I, for example, can't stand when people make fun of me.
ask (someone) out
назначать свиданиеAfter a good deal of hesitation John finally asked Mary out.
above reproach
безупречный (ая, ое), вне критикиBill is a well-mannered young man; his behavior is above reproach.
above suspicion
вне подозренияHenry acted as if he were above suspicion, but I am sure he is guilty.
as phony as a three-dollar bill
фальшивый, поддельный (как трёхдолларовая купюра)The woman, who was raising money for a children's playground, seemed to be as phony as a three-dollar bill.