Идиомы на букву B

  • body blow
    сокрушительный удар или серьёзные повреждения
    Ron's small house received a body blow when the hurricane hit the town.
  • bog down
    застрять, увязнуть
    I have bogged down with all that typing I need to do today.
  • boggle one's mind
    пугать, смущать, тревожить
    "I don't want to boggle your mind, but the absence of proper safety is dangerous."
  • boil down to (something)
    сводиться к чему-либо
    His arguments boiled down to the following: it would take a lot of money and human resources to fulfill the task.
  • bona fide
    без обмана, честно
    I could not very well believe that they made a bona fide effort to solve the dispute.
  • bone of contention
    яблоко раздора, предмет разногласий
    The inheritance their Grandfather had left to the sisters was a bone of contention for them.
  • bone up (on something)
    зубрить, повторять, долбить (предмет)
    I am not very good at languages, so I have to bone up on my French.
  • bonehead
    исключительно глупый, тупой
    "You are a bonehead. Why don't you understand what I am trying to tell you?"
  • booked solid
    все занято, полностью расписано, забито
    Scotty, we're really booked solid tonight.
    Скотти, у нас на сегодняшний вечер все забито.
  • bookworm
    книжный червь (человек, который много читает)
    Pauline is said to be a bookworm; she is very fond of reading books.
  • boot out
    выгонять, избавляться от кого-либо
    "Did Kevin drop out of school? - Oh, no. He was booted out! He had cheated at the exams."
  • bore (someone) stiff/to death
    надоедать до смерти
    We would have been bored stiff if we hadn't been shown a film about London.
  • bored out of one's mind/skull
    надоесть, наскучить
    The lecture turned out to be extremely dull, and I was bored out of my mind.
  • born out of wedlock
    рождённый вне брака, незаконнорожденный
    In America as well as in a lot of other countries more and more children are born out of wedlock.
  • born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
    родиться с серебряной ложкой во рту, родиться в богатой семье
    They say she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but judging by the size of her mouth it must have been a ladle.
  • bosom friend
    закадычный друг
    We were bosom friends with Jamil in 1990.
    Мы с Джамилем были закадычными друзьями в 1990 году.
  • boss (someone) around
    распоряжаться, указывать что делать
    Parents shouldn't boss their children around.
  • bottle (something) up
    скрывать, сдерживать чувства
    Derek could no longer bottle up his anger and frustration.
  • bottom dollar
    последние деньги, последний доллар
    I needed a computer badly, and I had to spend my bottom dollar to get it.
  • bottom drops/falls out of (something)
    обвал цен (настоящие цены стали ниже предыдущих)
    The bottom fell out of the fruit market, and some of the companies had to stop doing business.
  • bottom line
    спорный вопрос, суть дела
    Miss Elvares wants to open a cafe, but the bottom line is if the caf will be profitable.
  • bottom out
    достигать самой низкой точки
    The goods sale has begun to bottom out, and I am not sure it will ever increase in value.
  • Bottoms up!
    Пей до дна!
    "Bottoms up," Mark said and raised his wineglass.
  • bounce a check
    возвратить чек в виду отсутствия достаточных средств на счету
    Renata bounced a check when she tried to pay for her college education.
  • bounce something (an idea) off someone
    проверить чью-либо реакцию (относительно идеи или предложения)
    Joe bounced his idea for the trip to Russia off his girlfriend.
  • bound and determined
    быть решительно настроенным, принять бесповоротное решение
    Julia was bound and determined to break her engagement with Mark.
  • bound for somewhere
    направляться, планировать что-либо
    William is bound for a long trip around the world.
  • bound hand and foot
    быть связанным по рукам и ногам
    Three family members were bound hand and foot by a stranger who into their apartment last night.
  • bound to (do something)
    быть настроенным сделать что-либо
    The married couple was bound to go to Spain for their honeymoon.
  • bow and scrape
    быть смиренный и покорным
    George was compelled to bow and scrape to receive the information he needed badly.
  • bow out
    распрощаться, откланяться, прекратить
    "If you want to stay with us, you will have to bow out with some of your bad habits."
  • bowl (someone) over
    привести в замешательство, удивить
    The secretary talked nineteen to the dozen and it bowled me over.
  • boys in the backroom
    группа людей, принимающая закулисные решения
    The boys in the backroom informed us that the wages would be probably docked.
  • brain (someone)
    ударить кого-либо по голове, размозжить голову
    Suddenly the little boy took his spade and brained his playmate.
  • brain drain
    иммиграция талантливых учёных, утечка "мозгов"
    There was a brain drain from Russia to America during the stagnation period.