Идиомы на букву B

  • break the back of (something)
    сломить, уничтожить, погубить, сломить сопротивление
    One mistake may break the back of the whole enterprise.
  • break the bank
    сорвать банк (выиграть все деньги в казино за игровым столом)
    The man in the casino broke the bank by winning all the money at a gambling table.
  • break the ice
    сломать лёд, заставить расслабиться
    Mary's cheerful joke broke the ice and everybody began to enjoy themselves.
  • break the law
    нарушить закон
    They found out that Marcia had broken the law, and she was sacked.
  • break the news (to someone)
    первым сообщить новости
    Zeta was about to break the news of her engagement to her parents on Christmas Eve.
  • break through
    успешно преодолеть (трудности)
    Dr. Salk failed many times, but he finally broke through to find a successful vaccine.
  • break up (with someone)
    порвать с кем-либо, прекратить отношения
    Gilda decided to break up with her family and started to live on her own.
  • breakthrough
    успех, достижение, прорыв
    This project experienced a major breakthrough after a long process of experimentation.
  • breath of fresh air
    глоток свежего воздуха, новый подход
    "I appreciate your innovative approach to work; it's like a breath of fresh air."
  • breathe down (someone's) neck
    стоять за спиной у кого-либо, дышать кому-либо в затылок, заставлять торопиться
    "I am sure to complete the work in time, so stop breathing down my neck!"
  • breathe easy
    вздохнуть свободно (после стрессовой ситуации)
    Lola is able to breathe easy now; she has just found her lost passport.
  • breathe easy/easier
    расслабиться, вздохнуть свободно (после стрессовой ситуации)
    Lola is able to breathe easy now; she has just found her lost passport.
  • breathe one's last
    умереть, испустить дух
    Mrs. Nolan had been suffering from a weak heart for quite some time before she breathed her last several days ago.
  • brew a plot
    замышлять (заговор, мятеж, восстание)
    The conspirators brewed a plot to destroy the English Houses of Parliament and King James the First.
  • bright and early
    очень рано, заблаговременно
    "I am a late riser; I hate getting up bright and early."
  • bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
    (быть) очень весёлым, полным радости
    The kids are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed because their mother has promised to take them to the zoo.
  • brimming with (something)
    переливаться через край, переполнять (о чувствах)
    Alice sounded happy though her eyes were brimming with tears.
  • bring (someone or something) to its/their knees
    нанести поражение, поставить кого-либо на колени
    The strike of the taxi drivers brought New York to its knees.
  • bring (someone) around
    восстанавливать чьё-либо здоровье, приводить в чувство
    The paramedics were able to bring the girl around after the explosion in the cafe.
  • bring (someone) into line
    убедить кого-то согласиться с вами
    The coach was able to bring the members of the team into line.
  • bring (someone) to
    приводить в чувство
    They brought the woman to with smelling salts.
  • bring (someone) to heel
    заставить слушаться кого-либо
    When John was sixteen, he thought he could do as he pleased, but his father cut off his allowance, and this brought John to heel.
  • bring (someone) to terms
    заставить кого-либо придти к соглашению
    Tim and Tom, the twin brothers, were brought to terms by their mother for riding the pony.
  • bring (something) home to (someone)
    довести до сознания кого-либо
    The teacher tried to bring home to the students the necessity of studying hard before the exams.
  • bring (something) into question
    поднять вопрос о чём-то
    At the meeting the Chairman brought into question their interest in the case.
  • bring (something) off
    осуществлять что-либо, успешно завершать
    Lionel attempted almost the impossible and brought it off.
  • bring (something) on
    помогать расти, заставить быстро развиваться
    The sun is bringing on the flowers.
  • bring (something) to (someone's) attention
    привлечь внимание
    "I want to bring the new exhibits to your attention," the guide said.
  • bring (something) to a head
    обострять что-либо, завершать
    This incident brought the question of relationships among the workers to a head.
  • bring about (something)
    осуществлять, вызывать, организовывать
    His words brought about the desired effect.
  • bring down the house
    вызвать громкий смех, вызвать бурю аплодисментов
    I remember that comedy well; it used to bring down the house.
  • bring home the bacon
    работать на семью, зарабатывать деньги для семьи
    Sam's wife is always displeased with her husband for not bringing home enough bacon for the family.
  • bring home the importance of (something) to (someone)
    втолковывать, доводить что-то до чьего-либо сознания
    He was unable to bring home to his son the importance of studying hard.
  • bring some new facts to light
    обнаружить новые факты
    The scientists brought some new facts to light in the investigation of rare tropical diseases.
  • bring to mind
    вспомнить, припомнить
    His words suddenly brought to mind happy episodes from her childhood.