Идиомы на букву N

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  • number one
    собственная персона, собственное "я"
    "I am speaking about myself; after all number one is what I know most about."
  • nurse (someone) back to health
    ухаживать за больным
    When her little son was seriously ill, Martha spent many days trying to nurse him back to health.
  • nothing to speak of
    не много, "кот наплакал"
    "Did they find any shortcomings in your work?" - "Nothing to speak of. Everything seems OK."
  • name of the game
    главное, основное дело
    The name of the game is selling printed matter and not dealing with other things.
  • next of kin
    близкий родственник
    Margaret was run over by a car, and the police had to notify the next of kin about the accident.
  • not hold water
    не иметь смысла, быть нелогичным
    My friend likes arguing but very often his arguments do not hold water.
  • nip and tuck
    плечом к плечу; впритык
    For most of the race the two skaters were running nip and tuck, but the younger skater was the first to cross the finish line.
  • never fear
    не бойтесь, не опасайтесь
    "Never fear, I will give you back the money I borrowed from you."
  • not see farther than or past the end of one's nose
    не видеть дальше своего носа
    Lorna can't see past the end of her nose; she doesn't care what is happening to other people.
  • nip (something) in the bud
    пресечь в корне
    If you prefer to deal with a problem when it is still small, you should nip it in the bud.
  • not at all
    совсем не
    Judd has recently bought a new car, but he is not at all happy with it, I guess.
  • not give two hoots about (someone or something)
    совершенно не интересоваться кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Right now the public does not give two hoots about Kirby's disappearance.
  • NB
    Nota Bene - нотебене, обрати особое внимание
    When I want to memorize something well, I always mark it NB.
  • not all there
    не все дома (о глупом или ненормальном человеке)
    Joe is not all there; he is either a little bit stupid or completely crazy.
  • needle in a haystack
    иголка в стоге сена"; то, что очень трудно найти
    Looking for the lost letter among the hundreds of other letters is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  • nobody's fool
    не глупый человек, не дурак
    "This man Drawling, the solicitor, is nobody's fool; let me tell you this."
  • nose (someone) out
    выталкивать кого-либо
    The older boys nosed the younger ones out of the bus.
  • not to be sneezed at
    пренебрежительно относиться, не считать важным
    Helen's project is important; it's nothing to be sneezed at.
  • nail in (someone's) coffin
    что-либо, что может навредить кому-либо ("вбить гвоздь в чей-либо гроб")
    "Fighting with him will only be a nail in your coffin. It won't get you anywhere."
  • new hire
    новый сотрудник
    The secretary in the firm was a new hire, and she was not very good at her job.
  • new person
    (стать) новым человеком, измениться
    Horace is a new person now that he has quit worrying about his job.
  • nine-to-five attitude
    делать что-либо по минимуму, не делать ничего лишнего
    My boss said he didn't like my nine-to-five attitude towards my work, and he asked me to be more active and creative.
  • no ifs, ands, or buts about it
    вне всякого сомнения, без возражения
    "Jimmy, you are to see your dentist tomorrow - no ifs, ands, or buts about it."
  • not take no for an answer
    не принимать отказа
    Hilda is not used to taking no for an answer.
  • no two ways about (something)
    об этом не может быть двух мнений
    "There are no two ways about it; you are to consult a doctor and do it immediately."
  • not worth a dime/cent
    (не) стоить ни гроша
    The house is falling to pieces and is not worth a cent.
  • not know (someone) from Adam
    не иметь ни малейшего представления о ком-либо
    The woman was a complete stranger; I did not know her from Adam.
  • no picnic
    не лёгкое дело, не шутка
    It is no picnic trying to convince him that he was not right.
  • not know beans about (someone or something)
    ничего не знать о ком-либо \ о чём-либо
    I did not know beans about my friend's private life.
  • nothing of the kind
    ничего подобного
    My friend thought that my intentions were not serious, but I told him that they were nothing of the kind.
  • nervous Nellie
    застенчивый, нерешительный человек
    I think Daniel is a nervous Nellie; he is so shy he won't say boo to a goose.
  • nothing doing
    ничего не выйдет, этот номер не пройдёт
    "Nothing doing. I am not going to let you use my computer again."
  • need (something) like (one needs) a hole in the head
    совершенно ненужная (вещь), "как собаке пятая нога"
    Steve needs a new fishing tackle like he needs a hole in the head.
  • new deal
    дать шанс начать всё сначала
    The owner of a small business was given a new deal as he was able to get a loan from the bank.
  • not open one's mouth
    и рта не раскрыть, ничего не сказать
    Robert was depressed; he did not open his mouth all day.