Идиомы на букву P

  • put in one's two cents (worth)
    высказать своё мнение, свои соображения
    Nobody ever pays any attention to Marion when she tries to put in her two cents.
  • pink slip
    уведомление об увольнении
    Jimmy has just received a pink slip, and it has greatly upset him.
  • play ball (with someone)
    сотрудничать с кем-либо
    It is often good business to play ball with the government.
  • play one's cards close to one's chest
    вести переговоры в осторожной и конфиденциальной манере
    Sue played her cards close to her chest when she went to the bank to settle her problem.
  • pay one's own way
    оплатить расходы самому
    In order to pay my own way during college, I had to get a loan in the bank.
  • put a bug in (someone's) ear
    нашёптывать кому-либо, вдолбить в голову
    I wanted to buy a new car so I put a bug in my father's ear.
  • play by the rules
    играть по правилам
    One of the managers refused to play by the rules, that's why he was given the sack.
  • put one's hand to the plow
    взяться за трудное дело
    Stella put her hand to the plow in order to clean the whole house.
  • prick up one's ears
    прислушиваться, "навострить уши"
    My parents seemed to be talking about me, so I pricked up my ears.
  • play one's ace
    использовать лучшие ресурсы (козыри)
    We were going to play our ace when we decided to supply our company with new equipment.
  • patch up a relationship
    возобновить нарушенные прежде отношения
    For a long time Jerry and Liza were not on speaking terms, but they managed to patch up their relationship somehow.
  • pay as you go
    платить по мере выставления счёта или получения товара
    The shop was forced to pay as they go when the bank refused to give them another loan.
  • putty in (someone's) hands
    легко поддаваться чьему-либо влиянию, быть как воск в чьих-либо руках
    Kelly is very naLve and trustful; she is like putty in people's hands.
  • put some teeth into (something)
    увеличивать, наращивать (мощь, силу, значимость)
    The local government plans to put some teeth into the new parking rules.
  • put weight on
    прибавлять в весе, поправляться
    Rita kept to a diet of vegetables and fruit so that she may not put on weight.
  • play possum
    притвориться больным или мёртвым; прикинуться не понимающим
    "Don't you try to play possum; you know what I am talking about."
  • piggyback
    переносить кого-либо на плечах или на спине
    "Dad, I want you to give me a piggyback ride."
  • pay (someone or something) no mind
    игнорировать, не обращать внимания на кого-либо \ что-либо
    There was a clutter of chairs in the auditorium, but he paid the noise no mind.
  • piggy bank
    копилка (в виде свиньи)
    The mother gave Rita a piggy bank to put small coins into.
  • put one's head in a noose
    вредить самому себе действием или словом, лезть в петлю
    Alice put her head in a noose when she borrowed a lot of money from Fanny.
  • put in one's oar
    вмешиваться в чужие дела
    Ann was doing very well until her brother came along and put in his oar. She could have done much better without his advice.
  • put one's thinking cap on
    She put her thinking cap on and tried to decide what to do with her old house which was falling to pieces.
  • put one's cards on the table
    рассказать всё без утайки, открыть свои карты
    I put my cards on the table and told my parents what was worrying me.
  • play footsie (with someone)
    флиртовать с кем-либо (прикасаться к ногам под столом)
    Nick was trying to play footsie with me during our dinner in the restaurant.
  • pour one's heart out (to someone)
    излить душу кому-либо, высказать самое заветное
    I saw that something was worrying Fanny and I said she would feel better if she poured her heart out to me.
  • pay off
    принести прибыль, окупиться
    They hope that this particular research will pay off commercially.
  • put one's nose to the grindstone
    трудиться без отдыха, без передышки
    Joe put his nose to the grindstone and worked all day in his garage, repairing his car.
  • par for the course
    ничего не обычного, непредвиденного
    There was nothing par for the course; it was exactly as they had expected it would be.
  • pull (something) off
    удачно завершить что-либо
    The plan was difficult and risky, but they pulled it off.
  • pass through (someone's) mind
    промелькнуть в уме
    It passed through his mind that he had met that woman before, but he didn't remember her name.
  • play the market
    спекулировать, играть на бирже
    Denis has inherited a lot of money and he intends to play the market.
  • publish or perish
    публиковать свои труды, если хочешь преуспеть
    Stuart had to publish or perish if he wanted to advance in his career at the university.
  • pay up
    (срочно) расплатиться
    George lost a small fortune playing poker and his poor wife had to pay up.
  • play hardball (with someone)
    действовать решительно, круто с кем-либо
    I had to play hardball with my boss to make him agree to my proposal.
  • pay one's debt (to society)
    заплатить долг обществу (сидеть в тюрьме за преступление)
    The woman spent a few years in prison, paying her debt to society.