Идиомы на букву T

  • to/of no avail
    безуспешно, бесполезно
    They pulled the boy out of the river and tried to revive him, but to no avail.
  • toss off (something)
    выпить залпом, "опрокинуть"
    Simon tossed off the last of the drinks and got up.
  • tip the scales at (something)
    весить какую-либо величину
    Edna tipped the scales at 140 kilograms.
  • trump up (something)
    выдумать что-либо, придумывать ложные обвинения
    Every time Sam is late for work, he trumps up some new excuse.
  • to hunger for (something)
    жаждать чего-либо
    Colin is obsessed with speedy cars and he hungers for participation in a car race.
  • to bring someone for a visit
    привести кого-либо с собой
    "Would you mind if I bring my sister over for a visit?"
  • trouble (someone) with/to do (something)
    надоедать кому-либо чем-либо, беспокоить, причинять неудобство
    "Will you please stop troubling me with your silly questions?"
  • to horn in on (someone)
    навязаться на кого-либо, прийти без приглашения
    Tim was not welcome to our party; he just horned in on us.
  • toss (someone) out of (somewhere)
    заставить уйти, выпроводить кого-либо откуда-либо
    The young men were drunk and quarrelsome, and the porter had to toss them out of the hotel.
  • to pieces
    (разбить, развалиться) на куски
    While washing the dishes I dropped a cup and it broke to pieces.
  • to horse trade
    вести трудные переговоры
    They had to horse trade, but they were finally able to make a business agreement.
  • to heel
    подчиняться (дисциплине), контролировать
    When John was sixteen, he thought he could do as he pleased, but his father cut off his allowance, and he soon came to heel.
  • to (someone's) way of thinking
    по чьему-либо мнению
    To my way of thinking George is too arrogant and highbrow.
  • to be hopped up on (something)
    быть под сильным воздействием наркотика или алкоголя
    The young man, who tried to steal a car, was hopped up on a lot of alcohol.
  • to one's name
    (иметь) что-либо в собственности, "иметь за душой"
    Edna had only one dress to her name.
  • touched by (someone or something)
    обеспокоенный из-за кого-либо, взволнованный чем-либо
    Laura was touched by pity when she heard about Ken's illness.
  • toss off (an answer)
    ответить (на вопрос) не задумываясь
    When Miss Willows asked me this question, I was able to toss off the answer immediately.
  • to the nth degree
    предельно, в высшей степени
    Scales must be accurate to the nth degree.
  • to order
    (сделано) на заказ
    A very stout person often has his clothes made to order.
  • thumbs down on (someone or something)
    не одобрять что-либо или чьи-либо действия
    I intend to vote thumbs down on the policy of our department.