Идиомы на букву R

  • reach a compromise
    достигнуть компромисса
    The trade union tried very hard to reach a compromise with the owners of the factory.
  • reach a stalemate
    зайти в тупик
    The negotiations reached a stalemate, and it will be difficult to start them again.
  • reach an agreement
    достигнуть соглашения
    They reached an agreement to supply equipment from the USA.
  • reach an impasse
    зайти в тупик
    The negotiations on the independence of that small country have reached an impasse.
  • reach first base
    сделать главный шаг навстречу кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Jameson was not able to reach first base with his partner.
  • reach for the sky
    ставить большие цели
    I think Jenny is reaching for the sky in her desire to be at the top of the class.
  • reach one's stride
    добиться высокого профессионального уровня
    George Arrows has finally reached his stride as a very good computer programmer.