Идиомы на букву R

  • round off
    округлять что-либо
    I had to round off the figure as it was much too big.
  • round off a number
    округлить цифру
    I had to round off the number as it was much too big.
  • round out (something)
    заканчивать что-либо
    The dance rounded out the evening very nicely.
  • round up (someone or something)
    собрать кого-либо, собрать в кучу что-либо
    They were not able to round up enough footballers to play a football match last Sunday.
  • round-robin letter
    петиция, на которой подписи расположены кружком (чтобы нельзя было узнать, кто подписался первым)
    They sent a round-robin letter for the city administration to get rid of garbage dumps on the outskirts.
  • round-trip ticket
    билет туда и обратно
    I intend to buy a round-trip ticket to Chicago as it is cheaper than a one-way ticket.