Идиомы на букву R

  • race against time
    стремление выиграть время
    It was a race against time as I was trying to meet the grant requirements.
  • rack one's brain
    ломать себе голову над чем-либо
    Peter was racking his brains, trying to remember where he had put his car keys.
  • racked with pain
    страдать от сильной боли
    The wounded man was groaning loudly as he was racked with pain.
  • rail at (someone) about (something)
    жаловаться кому-либо на что-либо
    The man at the bus station was railing at the ticket clerk about the bad service.
  • rain (something) out
    испортить что-либо, не состояться из-за дождя
    The art festival, which was supposed to be outdoors, was rained out yesterday afternoon.
  • rain cats and dogs
    льёт как из ведра
    The sky is overcast, and I bet it's raining cats and dogs in the mountains.
  • rain check
    бесплатный билет на ранее отложенное мероприятие
    They were given a rain check for the performance that was cancelled because of the death of the leading actor.
  • rain on (someone's) parade
    расстраивать чьи-либо планы
    "I am going to throw a big New Year party. Please don't rain on my parade."
  • rain or shine
    при любой погоде, что бы не было
    We are having a barbecue tomorrow, rain or shine.
  • raise a fuss
    устроить скандал, поднять шум
    Miss Muffed likes raising a fuss over trifles.
  • raise a hand
    пошевелить рукой (чтобы помочь), делать часть работы
    Jordan didn't raise a hand to do his share of the work, so I had to do everything all by myself.
  • raise a hand against (someone or something)
    поднять руку на кого-либо \ что-либо
    Jordan raised a hand against his wife's precious possessions, and she decided to punish him.
  • raise a stink about (something)
    поднимать вопрос, шумиху из-за чего-либо
    The dog owners raised a stink about the new pet tax.
  • raise an objection (to/about someone or something)
    выразить протест кому-либо, о чём-либо
    Sam Craft, the defense lawyer, raised an objection about the testimony of the main witness.
  • raise an objection to (someone or something)
    выражать своё несогласие кому-либо, возражать против чего-либо
    Theodor raised an objection to the coach about including Jordan in our football team.
  • raise Cain
    поднимать невероятный шум, орать; дебоширить
    The soldiers sang songs and shouted and raised Cain to pass the long hours of the night.
  • raise eyebrows
    вызвать чьё-либо неодобрение
    Ron raised eyebrows when Steve failed to complete his job in time.
  • raise havoc with (someone or something)
    создавать неразбериху, нарушать что-либо
    The storm raised havoc with our plans to go boating.
  • raise hell with (someone or something)
    устроить скандал кому-либо, учинить разнос из-за чего-либо
    When my dog ran into my neighbor's garden, Wanda Lee, my neighbor, raised hell with me.
  • raise its (ugly) head
    снова возникнуть, поднять голову (о какой-либо проблеме)
    The problem of cockroaches in our apartment raised its ugly head again.
  • raise one's sights
    ставить перед собой цель
    I did pretty well at my final exams, and now I am raising my sights on getting a good job.
  • raise one's voice to (someone)
    накричать на кого-либо
    My mother always raises her voice to anyone when she is angry.
  • raise the ante
    поднять, увеличить ставку (ставка – деньги на кону перед началом игры)
    The Chief Executive had to raise the ante when he decided to cancel the contract with the shipbuilding company.
  • raise/up the ante
    поднять, увеличить ставку (ставка – деньги на кону перед началом игры)
    The Chief Executive had to raise the ante when he decided to cancel the contract with the shipbuilding company.
  • raise/wave a white flag
    сдаться, выкинуть белый флаг
    During the discussion I understood that I would have to raise a white flag and give up arguing.
  • rake (someone) over the coals
    делать выговор; дать нагоняй, взбучку
    My father raked me over the coals when I had taken his car without his permission.
  • rake (something) off
    незаконно брать что-либо откуда-либо
    They suspected David Bronx of raking money off the company's account.
  • rake in the money
    зарабатывать много денег, "купаться в деньгах"
    Though Jake is raking in the money he is very stingy.
  • rake off (some money)
    воровать деньги
    They suspected David Bronx of raking money off the company's account.
  • rally around someone or something
    объединиться, чтобы поддержать кого-либо \ что-либо
    The local administration rallied around the residents of the area when they decided to build a new playground.
  • ram (something) down (someone's) throat
    навязывать кому-либо что-либо (своё мнение, взгляды)
    "I don't want you to ram your notions down my throat."
  • ramble on about (someone or something)
    рассусоливать, жаловаться на что-либо
    It bores me to death to hear my cousin rambling on about her family problems.
  • rank and file
    рядовые (служащие или солдаты)
    The rank and file of the large computer company was happy to receive their bonuses.
  • rant (at someone) about (someone or something)
    говорить громко и сердито о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    The children were misbehaving and their mother was ranting at them about it.
  • rant and rave about (someone or something)
    орать из-за кого-либо, рвать и метать из-за чего-либо
    The woman was ranting and raving about the bad service at the Ladies' Fashion Department.