Идиомы на тему Animals

  • as weak as a kitten
    очень слабый, тщедушный
    Anne recovered from her illness but was as weak as a kitten.
  • rat race
    жизнь, как бесконечная гонка и отчаянная борьба за успех; "крысиные бега"
    Working and living in a big city is too much of a rat race that's why Sandra is not satisfied with her life in New-York.
  • when the cat's away, the mice will play
    без кота мышам раздолье
    When the mother left the room, the children began to make a lot of noise. When the cat's away, the mice will play.
  • you can't teach an old dog new tricks
    в старости поздно учиться или переучиваться
    "You'll never teach your grandfather how to do his income tax on a personal computer. You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
  • change horses in midstream
    производить крупные перемены в неподходящий момент, "коней на переправе не меняют"
    Jim has decided to change his coach before the match, but I told him he'd better not change horses in midstream.
  • as crooked as a dog's hind leg
    нечестный, бессовестный
    I dislike Jeremy Stuart; he turned out to be as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
  • cat gets one's tongue
    быть не в состоянии что-либо сказать "язык проглотил"
    The cat got the boy's tongue when the teacher asked him about his homework.
  • fraidy-cat
    My little son is a fraidy-cat; he is so easily frightened.
  • dog in the manger
    собака на сене (о человеке, не желающим делать что-либо и мешающим другим)
    Agatha lived alone in that big house, but she didn't let her relatives share it with her; she was like a dog in the manger.
  • as gentle as a lamb
    нежный, ласковый
    Marion is as gentle as a lamb when she is with her baby daughter.
  • as poor as a church mouse
    бедный как церковная мышь
    Cathy can't afford a new car; she is as poor as a church mouse.
  • cast pearls before swine
    попусту тратить усилия на кого-либо, "метать бисер перед свиньями"
    I am not going to waste good advice on Leda any more because she never listens to it. I won't cast pearls before swine.
  • white elephant
    пустая трата денег, обременительное имущество
    That big house of theirs seems to be a white elephant; it isn't worth its keep.
  • horse of a different color
    что-то совсем другое, отличное от чего-либо
    I don't think much of this show. It is a horse of a different color. I liked the previous one much better.
  • cash cow
    что-либо приносящее хороший доход, "дойная корова"
    The cafe my mother opened not long ago turned out to be a cash cow; it is very profitable.
  • back the wrong horse
    делать ставку не на того (человека)
    In voting for Senator Plush, voters in 1992 were backing the wrong horse.
  • cat on a hot tin roof
    (быть) полным кипучей деятельности, (скакать, как кот на горячей крыше)
    Little Kate was jumping around like a cat on a hot tin roof and her mother could not make her behave.
  • make a mountain out of a molehill
    преувеличивать значимость чего-либо, "делать из мухи слона"
    "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. I am sure you exaggerate the seriousness of your problem."
  • put the cart before the horse
    начать не с того конца, поступать шиворот-навыворот, "поставить телегу впереди лошади"
    They put the cart before the horse and took the effect for the cause.
  • as hungry as a bear
    голодный как волк
    I was as hungry as a bear that afternoon, and I told my mother that I could eat a horse.
  • smell a rat
    заподозрить, почуять неладное
    When Clara didn't come back with my money, I began to smell a rat.
  • scaredy-cat
    The children call Vera a scaredy-cat because she is easily frightened.
  • get (someone's) goat
    раздражать кого-либо
    My husband is very unpunctual, and it gets my goat.
  • as drunk as a skunk
    очень пьяный, "пьян в стельку"
    The bartender refused to sell Jonny any alcohol because he was as drunk as a skunk.
  • as awkward as a cow on roller skates
    быть очень неловким, "как корова на льду"
    Jane isn't much of a dancer, and she was as awkward as a cow on roller skates when Jim invited her.
  • as strong as a horse/lion/ox
    сильный как бык
    Collin is as strong as an ox; he is the strongest among his friends.
  • as conceited as a barber's cat
    тщеславный, полный самомнения
    Having won the award at the Annual Fair, Timothy became as conceited as a barber's cat.
  • look like something the cat dragged in
    выглядеть усталым, "быть выжатым как лимон"
    Wanda was very tired after the flight and looked like something the cat dragged in.
  • cock-and-bull story
    неправдоподобная история, небылица
    The man gave the police a cock-and-bull story about how his car had been stolen.
  • flog/beat a dead horse
    зря тратить силы, попусту стараться
    I felt I was flogging a dead horse when I was trying to talk my friend out of the risky business.
  • eat like a horse
    много есть, есть как лошадь
    The children spent most of their time outdoors, and when they came home in the evening they ate like horses.
  • as stubborn as a mule
    упрямый, как осёл
    If a person is as stubborn as a mule, it's impossible to make him change his mind.
  • bet on the wrong horse
    выбирать неверный курс, "поставить не на ту лошадь"
    "I am sure you are betting on the wrong horse when you try to support that project."
  • dark horse
    малоизвестный кандидат
    It happens so that a dark horse candidate may get elected senator.
  • keep the wolf from the door
    едва сводить концы с концами, жить очень скромно
    Her salary was so small that she could hardly keep the wolf from the door.