Идиомы на букву C

  • clear sailing
    лёгкий, простой путь; "всё идёт как по маслу"
    It will be clear sailing if we finish our task and take a short rest.
  • clear the air
    уладить недоразумение, разрядить атмосферу
    Due to misunderstanding they had a big argument, but now they decided to calm down and clear the air.
  • clear the decks
    расчистить место и готовиться к действиям
    They realized that in order to clear the decks for the next advance it was necessary to unite.
  • clear the table
    убирать (посуду) со стола
    After dinner Mother cleared the table and I washed up.
  • clear up (something)
    разъяснить, выяснить что-либо
    If there is any misunderstanding, we may be able to clear it up.
  • cliffhanger
    событие, исход которого не известен до последнего момента
    The elections were a cliffhanger because we didn't know their outcome till the very end.
  • climb the wall
    лезть на стену (от скуки)
    "If I don't find something useful to do, I'll start climbing the wall."
  • clip (someone's) wings
    ограничивать или сдерживать кого-либо, "подрезать крылья"
    The company decided to clip the manager's wings and took away his expense account.
  • clip joint
    сомнительное предприятие (где обманывают людей)
    "Don't go to this clip joint; you might be cheated there."
  • cloak-and-dagger
    заговор, тайная война
    They used to be good friends, but now they are caught up in a cloak-and-dagger drama.
  • close a deal
    успешно завершить переговоры
    Unfortunately they couldn't close the deal though they worked hard to achieve good results.
  • close at hand
    имеющийся под рукой, близко
    There were no shops close at hand, and I had to go downtown to do the shopping.
  • close call/shave
    почти неизбежная гибель, критический момент "на волосок от смерти"
    Jess had a close shave last night when a car nearly ran her over.
  • close in on (someone or something)
    окружить кого-либо/ что-либо
    The enemy began to close in on them.
  • close one's eyes to (something)
    игнорировать, закрыть глаза на что-либо
    Samantha decided to close her eyes to her family problems.
  • close out (something)
    ликвидировать что-либо, распродать все товары целиком
    Because of the competition the owner had to close out the store and sell the remaining stock very cheap.
  • close ranks
    сомкнуть ряды, объединиться
    "We are facing hard times, so I appeal to you to close ranks."
  • close the books
    прекратить принимать наряд-заказ
    The company closed the books at the end of the year.
  • close the books (on someone or something)
    положить конец, покончить с кем-либо/ чем-либо
    I had to close the books on my desire to go to the North Pole.
  • close to (someone)
    любить кого-либо, быть близким с кем-либо
    My parents were very close to each other.
  • close to home
    быть близким, понятным (о личных переживаниях, желаниях, интересах)
    The President's words about the future plans struck close to home and the people became very excited.
  • close to the bone
    (что-либо) что выводит из душевного равновесия, задевает за живое
    The situation was both embarrassing and upsetting; it hit me close to the bone.
  • close up shop
    прекращать работу, закрыться
    The beauty saloon had to close up shop when the rent was increased.
  • close/near to (someone's) heart
    (принимать) близко к сердцу, отнестись к кому-либо с большим вниманием
    Cora took her sister's troubles close to her heart.
  • closefisted (with money)
    скупой, жадный
    My aunt Aurora is very closefisted with money.
  • cloud up
    заволакивать облаками
    The sky began to cloud up and in a minute it started to snow.
  • clue (someone) in
    информировать кого-либо, дать понять кому-либо
    The doctor decided to clue Mary in about the health of her mother.
  • coast is clear
    отсутствие опасности, "берег чист"
    "I'll join you only if the coast is clear."
  • cock of the walk
    важная персона, хозяин положения (употребляется иронично)
    John thinks that he is cock of the walk and that everyone must do what he wants.
  • cock-and-bull story
    неправдоподобная история, небылица
    The man gave the police a cock-and-bull story about how his car had been stolen.
  • COD
    Cash On Delivery - оплата наличными при доставке
    I have ordered a few textbooks and the salesperson says they will send them to me COD.
  • coffee break
    небольшой перерыв на чашку кофе
    There is a coffee break every morning at 11 o'clock in our office.
  • cog in the machine
    винтик в механизме (небольшая и неважная часть большой организации)
    John didn't want to be a cog in the machine so he quit his job.
  • cold comfort
    слабое утешение
    The authorities offered money to the victims of the explosion, but it was cold comfort to those who had lost their homes.
  • cold fish
    бесчувственный человек "холодный как рыба"
    Jack Brown turned out to be a cold fish; he didn't care much about his parents.