Идиомы на букву C

  • crocodile tears
    ненатуральное горе "крокодиловы слёзы"
    William shed crocodile tears, but nobody believed him.
  • crop up
    внезапно возникнуть, появиться
    "I will give you a call if something important crops up."
  • cross (someone's) mind
    подумать, придти на ум
    It crossed his mind that he would never see Mary again.
  • cross (someone's) palm with silver
    заплатить деньги кому-либо за услугу, "посеребрить ручку"
    I crossed the taxi driver's palm with silver to take me to the airport as soon as possible.
  • cross a bridge before one comes to it
    заранее волноваться, беспокоиться о будущих событиях
    Jill worries about future problems before they happen. She always crosses a bridge before she comes to it."
  • cross one's fingers
    скрещивать пальцы в надежде на везение
    Jenny crossed her fingers that she would get a promotion.
  • cross one's heart and hope to die
    клясться, что это правда, "не сойти мне с этого места"
    "I can swear that everything I say is true. I can cross my heart and hope to die."
  • cross out (something)
    вычеркнуть что-либо
    Somebody crossed out Jenny's name from the list of the day-trippers.
  • cross swords with (someone)
    спорить с кем-либо, "скрестить шпаги"
    Clair didn't want to cross swords with her best friend again.
  • cross the Rubicon
    сделать шаг, после которого нельзя ничего изменить "перейти Рубикон"
    If you have crossed the Rubicon, it means you can't but agree to support their policy.
  • cross-examine (someone)
    подвергать перекрёстному допросу
    The lawyer cross-examined the principal witnesses for the prosecution Janet Mackenzi, maid to the dead woman.
  • crunch numbers
    делать математические расчёты
    I hate to crunch numbers and my father usually does all mathematical calculations.
  • crux of the matter
    суть дела
    The crux of the matter was that they could no longer be safe in that town.
  • cry bloody murder
    громко звать на помощь "орать, как потерпевший"
    "What has happened to you? Why are you crying bloody murder?"
  • cry one's eyes out
    плакать, глаза выплакать
    The little girl cried her eyes out when she lost her favorite doll.
  • cry out for (someone or something)
    очень нуждаться в ком-либо/ чём-либо
    The old house cries out for a new roof.
  • cry over spilt milk
    жаловаться на то, что уже произошло "плакать над пролитым молоком"
    What's done cannot be undone, so it's no use crying over spilt milk.
  • cry uncle
    просить пощады, признавать поражение
    Sam lost a game of chest and had to cry uncle.
  • cry wolf
    поднять ложную тревогу
    David needn't have cried wolf; there was no real danger of fire in the house.
  • cry/shed crocodile tears
    лить крокодиловы слёзы
    When William complained about his problems, he shed crocodile tears, but nobody believed him.
  • crying need for (someone or something)
    отчаянно нуждаться в ком-либо/ чём-либо
    There was a crying need for skilled workers an the local chemical plant.
  • crying shame
    очень неблагоприятное положение, ситуация
    It is a crying shame that the lecture on Modern Art has been cancelled.
  • cue (someone) in
    информировать кого-либо о том, что происходит
    I don't know what is going on, so I would like someone to cue me in on what is happening.
  • curdle (someone's) blood
    испугать кого-либо, заставить оцепенеть от страха
    The sight of the dead body curdled my blood.
  • curiosity killed the cat
    любопытство убило кошку (говорят о любопытном человеке)
    "Curiosity killed the cat," Leila's mother said, when she saw Leila hunting around in closets just before Christmas.
  • curl (someone's) hair
    шокировать или пугать кого-либо
    Some of the scenes in the horror movie were so frightening that they curled my hair.
  • curl up and die
    лечь и умереть (выражение отчаяния, разочарования)
    I wanted to curl up and die when I heard about my old boyfriend marriage.
  • curry favor with (someone)
    заискивать, подлизываться к кому-либо
    "Don't think I curry favor with you; I really appreciate what you do for us."
  • cut (someone) a check
    выписать кому-либо чек
    They cut the plumber a check for the work that he had done.
  • cut (someone) down to size
    доказать чью-либо несостоятельность
    My boss tried to cut me down to size when he showed to me a few mistakes in my project.
  • cut (someone) in
    делиться с кем-либо
    My friend cut me in on the profits from selling new TV sets.
  • cut (someone) off
    прервать кого-либо, обрывать разговор
    Ben tried to tell his mother about the accident, but she cut him off before he had any opportunity.
  • cut (someone) off without a penny
    оставить кого-либо без копейки, лишать наследства
    Martha was determined to file for a divorce, but her husband threatened to cut her off without a penny.
  • cut (someone) to the quick
    задеть за живое, сильно обидеть кого-либо
    Emma was cut to the quick when her friend betrayed her.
  • cut a deal
    договориться, устроить сделку
    We had to cut a deal with the contractor before the construction workers started to add on another room in our house.