Идиомы на букву H

  • have a head for (something)
    хорошо понимать что-либо, иметь способность к чему-либо
    I am sorry but I have no head for figures.
  • have a head start
    иметь преимущество
    Jack Brown had a head start when he started a car race and as a result he easily won it.
  • have a heart
    быть щедрым, уметь прощать
    Sally is generous and forgiving; she has a heart and everybody likes her.
  • have a heart of gold
    иметь золотой характер (быть щедрым, искренним, доброжелательным)
    Ms. Evanson has a heart of gold; she is sincere and friendly.
  • have a heart of stone
    быть холодным и неприветливым; "сердце как камень"
    Ricardo has a heart of stone; he is cold and unfriendly.
  • have a heart-to-heart talk with (someone)
    иметь искрений \ сердечный разговор с кем-либо
    "Look here, Fanny! I would like to have a heart-to-heart talk with you."
  • have a hold on (someone)
    иметь сильное влияние на кого-либо
    The instructor had a very strong hold on the members of the group.
  • have a hollow leg
    быть в состоянии много есть и пить
    Tim is very fat; he definitely has a hollow leg.
  • have a hunch about (something)
    иметь предчувствие о чём-либо
    Detective Fisher had a hunch about the mystery which would remain unsolved.
  • have a keen interest in (someone or something)
    быть очень заинтересованным в ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Thomas Pane had a keen interest in painting.
  • have a lead foot
    слишком быстро водить машину
    I am afraid to go in Adam's car because he has a lead foot.
  • have a leg to stand on
    иметь поддержку, оправдание, свидетельство чего-либо
    Robert did not have a leg to stand on in the explanation of his behavior.
  • have a leg up on (someone)
    иметь преимущество перед кем-либо
    Rita knows two foreign languages and she has a leg up on the other applicants for the job.
  • have a lot going (for one)
    иметь многое, что работает на благо кого-либо
    The student has a lot going for her and she should do well in her studies.
  • have a lot of promise
    иметь многообещающее будущее
    The young gymnast has a lot of promise and will probably be a winner in the future.
  • have a lot on one's mind
    иметь много забот
    I have had a lot on my mind with my children recently.
  • have a lot on one's plate
    иметь много дел
    We have had a lot on our plate since we moved to a new house.
  • have a mind like a steel trap
    иметь острый и живой ум
    Although Timothy is seventy-five he has a mind like a steel trap and his memory is very good.
  • have a mind of its own
    иметь собственный ум (о механизме или автомобиле)
    The car was unwilling to start as if it had a mind of its own and won't do anything that I want.
  • have a mind of one's own
    поступать по своему разумению
    Tim has always had a mind of his own, so there is no use trying to convince him how to behave in the situation.
  • have a near miss
    чуть было не попасть в аварию или столкнуться с чем-либо
    The two cars had a near miss on the highway because one of them had exceeded the speed limit.
  • have a nose for (something)
    иметь нюх на что-либо
    Peter had a nose for finding cheap computer disks.
  • have a notion to do (something)
    иметь желание или намерение делать что-либо
    If I have a notion to jump into the ocean, it's my own business.
  • have a one-track mind
    иметь лишь одно стремление \ направленность
    Sofia seems to have a one-track mind and is only interested in going to parties.
  • have a passion for (something)
    иметь страсть к чему-либо
    Joe wants to become an artist because he has a passion for painting.
  • have a physical (examination)
    пройти медосмотр
    "It is necessary for you to have a physical examination before you join our basketball team."
  • have a pick-me-up
    иметь при себе тонизирующее средство
    I usually have apple juice as a pick-me-up in the middle of the afternoon.
  • have a poker face
    иметь бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо
    George had a poker face when he tried to deceive me.
  • have a price on one's head
    объявлять вознаграждение за поимку преступника
    Willbrook is a dangerous criminal; he has a price on his head and is wanted by the police all over the state.
  • have a rough time (of it)
    терпеть лишения, испытывать нужду
    I am having a rough time because I am very short of money.
  • have a run of bad luck
    невезти в течение продолжительного времени
    John Jimson has had a run of bad luck since his wife left him.
  • have a run-in with (someone)
    иметь неприятную встречу \ ссору с кем-либо
    Yesterday I had a run-in with my father that's why I feel bad today.
  • have a score to settle with (someone)
    выяснить что-либо с кем-либо, уладить что-либо
    I have a score to settle with my next door neighbor.
  • have a scrape with (someone or something)
    иметь неприятный разговор с кем-либо \ о чём-либо
    Mark had a scrape with the Dean because he had missed a lot of lectures.
  • have a screw loose
    винтика в голове не хватает, "не всё дома"
    "Don't you think that Simon acts in a strange way? I am sure he has a screw loose somewhere."