Идиомы на букву S

  • shoot for (something)
    стремиться к чему-либо
    As far as I know Bridgeman was shooting for a higher position in the firm.
  • shoot from the hip
    говорить прямо и откровенно, "рубить с плеча"
    Ben always shoots from the hip and as a result gets into trouble now and then.
  • shoot one's mouth off
    хвастливо болтать или говорить о том, чего хорошо не знаешь
    Sandra always shoots her mouth off about something she doesn't know very well.
  • shoot one's wad
    истратить все деньги, "промотать деньги"
    I guess Mark has shot his wad at a casino.
  • shoot oneself in the foot
    сделать ошибку или принять глупое решение
    Nick shot himself in the foot when he decided to invest into a Canadian Oil company.
  • shoot out (something)
    выбрасывать вперёд
    Suddenly the man's hand shot out and cracked across Lanny's mouth.
  • shoot straight
    действовать, поступать честно
    Alan always shoots straight when he is dealing with his friends.
  • shoot the works
    не жалеть затрат или усилий, чтобы сделать что-либо
    Steve's parents are planning to shoot the works with the wedding reception for their only son.
  • shoot up
    быстро расти, тянуться
    The boy seems to get taller every time I see him; he is definitely shooting up.
  • shoot up (drugs)
    вкалывать наркотики
    I suspected that Ursula was shooting up drugs.
  • shoot up (someone or something)
    устроить стрельбу по кому-либо \ чему-либо
    When the traffic police stopped a drunken driver, he began to shoot up everybody.