Идиомы на букву S

  • strike (someone's) fancy
    нравиться, вызывать интерес
    I like thrillers; and the novels by Mary Higgins Clark always strike my fancy.
  • strike (someone) as (something)
    действовать на кого-либо определённым образом, казаться кому-либо
    It strikes me as strange that Solomon has decided to take up mountaineering.
  • strike (someone) as funny
    показаться смешным кому-либо
    Jean's new hat, of which she was very proud, struck me as funny.
  • strike a balance (between two or more things)
    находить компромисс между крайностями
    Paul was never able to strike a balance between his work and his hobby.
  • strike a bargain
    заключить сделку, прийти к соглашению
    I wanted to strike a bargain with my friend to buy his computer.
  • strike a chord with (someone)
    быть знакомым кому-либо, напомнить, вызвать отклик в душе
    Greg's words struck a chord with me and reminded me of my better days.
  • strike a happy medium
    найти золотую середину
    Our professor succeeded in striking a happy medium between being strict and being friendly to the students.
  • strike a match
    зажечь спичку
    He struck a match and saw a tiny kitten in the corner of the barn.
  • strike a pose
    встать в (определённую) позу
    My friend wanted to take my picture and he asked me to strike a pose.
  • strike a sour note
    выражать, означать что-либо неприятное
    The Dean's speech about truancy struck a sour note with many students.
  • strike at the heart of (something)
    ударить в самое сердце
    Her husband's infidelity struck at the heart of Mira's idea of a happy family life.
  • strike gold
    найти золотую жилу, напасть на золотую жилу
    Jeremy seems to have struck gold with his new computer games product.
  • strike it rich
    внезапно разбогатеть, преуспеть, "напасть на золотую жилу"
    Elvira struck it rich when she had won one million dollars in a state lottery.
  • strike out
    не удаваться, потерпеть неудачу
    I struck out in my attempt at fund rising.
  • strike out at (someone or something)
    ударить или напасть на кого-либо \ что-либо
    Somebody struck out at me and snatched my purse.
  • strike the right note
    взять верный тон
    It's difficult to strike the right note when people just won't listen to you.
  • strike up a conversation with (someone)
    начать разговор с кем-либо, заговорить
    I struck up a conversation with the lady sitting next to me on the plane.
  • strike up a friendship with (someone)
    завязать знакомство с кем-либо
    During his stay in Congo Joe struck up a friendship with a few natives.
  • strike while the iron is hot
    пользоваться благоприятной возможностью, "куй железо пока горячо"
    My friend told me about a vacancy in their office, so I decided to strike while the iron was hot and quickly applied for the job.