Идиомы на букву H

  • hardly have time to breathe
    быть очень занятым
    They hardly had time to breathe while they were preparing to move to a new house.
  • harken back to (something)
    относить(ся) \ возвращаться к чему-либо, что уже сделано или сказано ранее
    The Cathedral of Assumption in Vladimir harkens back to the thirteenth century.
  • hash (something) over
    детально обсуждать что-либо
    They stayed after work to hash over the new project.
  • hassle
    неудобство, беспокойство
    The Americans, over the years, have designed their lives to be as hassle free as possible.
  • hatchet man
    политик, борющийся с оппозицией; служащий компании, увольняющий лишних работников или сокращающий расходы тем или иным способом
    John acted as a hatchet man for the boss of the company for many years.
  • hate (someone's) guts
    чувствовать очень сильную антипатию к кому-либо
    Andy and Patrick have been at each other's throats and have hated each other's guts for years.
  • haul (someone) in
    отвести в полицейский участок, арестовать
    The policeman hauled the young man in because he had put up a fight in the cafe.
  • have (someone or something) in tow
    вести \ тянуть кого-либо \чего-либо на буксире
    The woman walking along the street had her child in tow.
  • have (someone or something) on one's hands
    быть обременённым кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Ms. Grady had a lot of responsibilities on her hands; she was an office manager as well as an accountant.
  • have (someone or something) on one's mind
    много думать о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Linda had a lot of problems on her mind.
  • have (someone's) blood on one's hands
    быть ответственным за чью-либо гибель \ за пролитую кровь
    The criminal had the victim's blood on his hands.
  • have (someone's) ear
    заставить кого-либо выслушать, добиться чьего-либо благосклонного внимания
    Maria was able to have the manager's ear and he is eager to help her anytime.
  • have (someone's) hide
    ругать или наказывать кого-либо
    My Granny promised to have my hide if I don't behave.
  • have (someone's) number
    знать, иметь чей-либо номер телефона
    "Do you have Mike's number?" - "No, but I'll get it for you."
  • have (someone) dead to rights
    доказать кому-либо его вину
    The evidence against the criminal was very strong, and it was not difficult for the police to have the man dead to rights.
  • have (someone) eating out of (the palm of) your hand
    быть согласным на всё, "готовый есть из рук"
    Hilda had her boy friend eating out of the palm of her hand.
  • have (someone) in one's pocket
    иметь полный контроль над кем-либо
    The largest computer firm in the town has a few small ones in its pocket.
  • have (someone) over
    пригласить кого-либо к себе
    They planned to have their friends over for the week end.
  • have (something) against (someone or something)
    испытывать неприязнь к кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Helen seemed to have something against her nextdoor neighbor.
  • have (something) at one's fingertips
    знать что-либо как свои пять пальцев
    I had all the figures and facts at my finger tips.
  • have (something) coming out of one's ears
    иметь изобилие чего-либо
    "I don't want you to buy any more notebooks; we have them coming out of our ears."
  • have (something) coming to (someone)
    заслужить наказание за что-либо
    The boy knew he had punishment coming to him because he had deceived his parents.
  • have (something) down pat
    узнать что-либо или хорошо запомнить
    She had her work schedule down pat.
  • have (something) going for one
    иметь способности \ талант к чему-либо
    Sue has a lot going for her and I am sure she will get the grant she applied for.
  • have (something) hanging over one's head
    беспокоиться \ тревожиться из-за чего-либо, "висеть над душой"
    I want to do my homework now, so I don't have it hanging over my head.
  • have (something) in common with (someone or something)
    иметь что-либо общее с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    I have a lot in common with my friends.
  • have (something) in mind
    иметь что-либо в виду, запомнить
    I wonder what Jeremy had in mind when he had asked me to help him.
  • have (something) in one's hands
    иметь что-либо в руках (документы); иметь контроль или ответственность за что-либо
    "I will let you know when I have a visa to the USA in my hands."
  • have (something) in stock
    иметь что-либо в наличии (в продаже)
    I am not sure if they have any discs in stock in that computer shop.
  • have (something) in store for (someone)
    предназначаться для кого-либо, ожидать кого-либо в будущем
    If Tim has got good education, he may have happy life in store for him.
  • have (something) on
    планировать на определённое время
    I have something on this evening so I can't go to the disco with them.
  • have (something) on (someone)
    иметь информацию или доказательство о неправедных действиях кого-либо
    I don't think that the police have anything on Elsie Holliwood so she needn't worry.
  • have (something) on file
    иметь или хранить запись чего-либо
    Jack has a lot of information on file on his computer discs.
  • have (something) on the ball
    быть умным, толковым, умелым
    "If I were you, I wouldn't employ Sara; she doesn't have much on the ball."
  • have (something) on the brain
    быть одержимым чем-либо
    Mike has only football on the brain.