Идиомы на букву L

  • lip service
    неискренние уверения, лицемерие, пустые слова
    She showed me her support only by words; in fact it was lip service.
  • lover's lane
    аллея влюблённых
    They parked their car in the lover's lane.
  • least of all
    менее всего, в наименьшей степени
    I hate doing household jobs; least of all I like washing the dishes.
  • listen to reason
    прислушиваться к голосу рассудка
    I tried to talk my friend out of quitting her job, but she would not listen to reason.
  • let it go/lay
    бросить об этом думать, выбросить из головы
    "There is no use worrying about it. Let it go."
  • LPG
    Liquid Petroleum Gas - сжиженный углеводородный газ
    The driver of a truck carrying LPG should be very careful.
  • lull (someone) to sleep
    укачать кого-либо (чтобы человек заснул)
    The baby was restless, and Sally had some difficulty to lull it to sleep.
  • lousy with (something)
    изобилие, избыток чего-либо (с негативным оттенком)
    The summer cottage was lousy with mosquitoes.
  • luck out
    внезапно повести
    I lucked out with the railway tickets and was able to get good seats in the train.
  • lick/whip (something) into shape
    привести что-либо в порядок, вымуштровать
    The recruits were soon whipped into shape by the drill sergeants.
  • lunatic fringe
    самые экстремальные члены группы
    A small lunatic fringe of protesters caused a lot of trouble at the protest rally.
  • lean over backwards (to do something or to help someone)
    вывернуться наизнанку, чтобы угодить или помочь кому-либо
    "Don't count on me; I am not going to lean over backwards to help you."
  • look (someone) in the eye/face
    смотреть кому-либо в лицо, находиться лицом к кому-либо
    Pam looked me in the eye when she told me a lie about her absence from work.
  • loose ends
    незаконченные дела
    "Don't forget that you have many loose ends to deal with before you go on vacation."
  • less than pleased
    быть недовольным
    The teacher was less than pleased when one of the students was late for her class.
  • lock the barn door after the horse is stolen
    принимать меры предосторожности слишком поздно
    "Don't you think it's too late to secure the territory now. It is like locking the barn door after the horse is stolen."
  • leak out (something)
    просачиваться (об информации)
    The information about the corruption among the government officials leaked out to the press.
  • like/love to hear oneself talk
    кто-либо, кто любит слушать только себя
    "You like to hear yourself talk and never listen what other people have to say."
  • lean toward (doing something)
    склоняться к каким-либо действиям
    Ken is leaning toward changing his job.
  • light out (for somewhere)
    быстро отправиться куда-либо, "поскакать"
    Daniel got up early and prepared to light out for his first day at school.
  • let oneself/something go
    не заботиться о себе или о чём-либо, не следить за собой
    Pat must have let herself go because she doesn't even bother to take a shower regularly.
  • lower oneself to (some level)
    опуститься до (какого-либо уровня поведения)
    James does not want to lower himself to the same level as his friend who likes to cheat at the exams.
  • lodge a complaint (against someone)
    жаловаться на кого-либо
    I lodged a complaint against the salesperson who tried to cheat me.
  • level (something) at (someone)
    направлять критику, замечания на кого-либо
    "If I were you, I wouldn't level criticism at your boss even if you don't like his attitude to his employees."
  • likes of (someone)
    и ему подобный, такой же
    I don't want to have anything in common with Peter and the likes of him.
  • lay/light into (someone)
    набрасываться на кого-либо (с упрёками, руганью)
    As soon as Sam came home from work his wife laid into him about his meager salary.
  • lock (something) up
    гарантировать выставление кандидатуры, обеспечивать успех
    Richard Fonda would like to lock up the nomination to be a candidate in the next election.
  • license to (do something)
    лицензия, разрешение на деятельность
    George was happy to have got a license to work as a window dresser.
  • light into (someone)
    ругать кого-либо
    The woman lit into her husband when he came home at midnight.
  • lock (something) in
    заморозить что-либо (цены, процентные ставки)
    It was decided to lock in the prices for the most common goods.
  • lay/light into (something)
    налегать на что-либо (еду, работу)
    Eaton felt he was awfully hungry and laid into the tenderloin as soon as his wife placed it on the table.
  • living end
    великолепный, фантастический
    The film, which we saw the other day, was the living end.
  • light into (something)
    есть жадно, поглощать что-либо
    The children were very hungry; they lit into their dinner hastily.