Идиомы на букву S

  • shut up (someone or something)
    закрыть, ограничить свободу кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Our dog is very unfriendly, and we have to shut him up whenever anyone comes to our house.
  • settle (someone's) affairs
    уладить свои или чьи-либо дела
    Before leaving for a holiday I had to settle my affairs at work.
  • snap out of (something)
    возвратиться в нормальное состояние, выйти из чего-либо (депрессии)
    He had been in a black mood all morning, and I waited for him to snap out of it.
  • sooner or later
    рано или поздно
    "Sooner or later you will want to get rid of the old furniture."
  • shine up to (someone)
    стараться угодить кому-либо
    Little Paul tries to make friends with older boys and he is always shining up to them.
  • struggle to the death
    борьба не на жизнь, а на смерть
    The war against the Nazi Germany was a struggle to the death.
  • smooth (something) over
    представить что-либо в лучшем свете, уладить
    Hardly had I smoothed one problem over when another one appeared.
  • spring (something) on (someone)
    удивить кого-либо чем-либо, преподнести неожиданность
    My sister is going to immigrate to Iran; I wish she hadn't sprung her crazy plans on me.
  • stop over (somewhere)
    остановиться в пути, сделать остановку
    My friend met me at the airport at 10 p.m., so we decided to stop over in New-York and go on our way in the morning.
  • shut (something) up
    запереть, закрыть наглухо
    As I approached the house, I saw that the doors and the windows were shut up.
  • sporting chance
    достаточно хороший шанс
    I doubt that Glide has a sporting chance of finding a good job.
  • square away (something)
    привести что-либо в порядок, уладить
    I had no time to square away my private affairs; I wanted to take care of them later.
  • send away for (something)
    отправить письмо с просьбой чего-либо
    I sent away for some price list on medication but it has not arrived yet.
  • sore loser
    (человек) не умеющий достойно проигрывать
    Eva is not a sore loser, and she is never upset when she does not win a game of cricket.
  • show-off
    Samuel is a regular show-off; his main ambition is to impress other people.
  • stuck on (someone)
    быть влюблённым в кого-либо, "запасть на кого-либо"
    Lora has been stuck on this movie star since she was a teenager.
  • silence is deafening
    оглушающая тишина
    When Sally told us the shocking news, the silence in the room was deafening.
  • stick with (something)
    продолжать что-либо, не прекращать
    I think I'll stick with my French lessons.
  • stuff the ballot box
    заполнять избирательную урну поддельными бюллетенями
    A man was seen stuffing the ballot box during the recent election.
  • shut (something) off
    выключать (электричество, газ, воду и т.д.)
    Felix stopped the car but didn't shut off the engine.
  • Sure thing.
    наверняка, конечно, несомненно
    "Will you be at work tomorrow?" - "Sure thing."
  • so soon
    так скоро, так быстро
    I did not expect my parents to return so soon from their visit to our relatives.
  • sink in
    понимать, вникать
    I told Jack to keep moving, but my words evidently didn't sink in.
  • swear on (something)
    поклясться на чём-либо
    "I want you to believe me; I am ready to swear on my life."
  • swear on a stack of bibles
    поклясться на библии
    The witness swore on a stack of bibles before he gave his testimony.
  • serve notice on (someone)
    вручить уведомление кому-либо
    The firm served notice on its employees that their salaries would be cut down since next month.
  • SOB
    Son Of a Bitch - сукин сын
    The man got angry called Sam a SOB when Sam tried to jump the queue at the filling station.
  • susceptible to (something)
    восприимчивый, чувствительный
    Martha's younger son is very susceptible to colds.
  • swear by (something)
    иметь доверие к чему-либо
    Emma swears by aspirin for a headache.
  • scare (someone) silly
    сильно напугать кого-либо
    Mrs. Brown is afraid of mice, and when she saw a mouse run out from under her bed, it scared her silly.
  • sugar daddy
    престарелый любовник или покровитель
    Silvia's sugar daddy is very generous.
  • serve (someone's) purpose
    служить кому-либо для какой-либо цели
    These garden tools will serve my purpose when I work in the garden.
  • stuck in traffic
    застрять в (транспортной) пробке
    Sam was late for work this morning because he had been stuck in traffic for about an hour.
  • swift and sure
    быстрый и верный
    The swift and sure way of getting a job is to submit your resume.
  • stink to high heaven
    очень плохо пахнуть, вонять
    The meat must have gone bad; it is stinking to high heaven.