Идиомы на букву H

  • have a mind like a steel trap
    иметь острый и живой ум
    Although Timothy is seventy-five he has a mind like a steel trap and his memory is very good.
  • have (someone or something) on one's mind
    много думать о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Linda had a lot of problems on her mind.
  • hole in one
    попасть с первого удара
    Lionel is a skilled golfer, and he got a hole in one during his first round.
  • hard to stomach (someone or something)
    трудно вытерпеть (кого-либо \ что-либо)
    I find some of my colleagues and their attitude to work hard to stomach.
  • have a leg up on (someone)
    иметь преимущество перед кем-либо
    Rita knows two foreign languages and she has a leg up on the other applicants for the job.
  • have (something) in mind
    иметь что-либо в виду, запомнить
    I wonder what Jeremy had in mind when he had asked me to help him.
  • hit-and-miss
    как попало, беспорядочно, бессистемно
    Tim's reading has always been hit-and-miss.
  • have a fit
    расстроиться, упасть в обморок, быть поражённым или возмущённым
    My friend had a fit when she saw what her little brother had done to her computer.
  • have had it up to here with (someone or something)
    испытывать чьё-либо терпение
    Miss Warner is a very patient person, but she has had it up to here with Nick who is always discupting the class.
  • have foot-in-mouth disease
    Sally is very shy; she blushes easily. I think that she has foot-in-mouth disease.
  • have a hollow leg
    быть в состоянии много есть и пить
    Tim is very fat; he definitely has a hollow leg.
  • hold out (one's hand)
    протягивать (руку)
    Mirna held out her hand to get hold of the rope.
  • help oneself to (something)
    угощаться чем-либо
    "Help yourself to some salad, please."
  • have a bone to pick with (someone)
    улаживать неприятное дело с кем-либо, сводить счёты
    Miss Kenglow had a bone to pick with her neighbor whose dog had nearly killed her cat.
  • have a brainstorm
    внезапная идея (пришла в голову)
    "Listen to me, I've just had a brainstorm, and I believe I have found the solution to our problem."
  • have it in for (someone)
    испытывать неприязнь к кому-либо
    I don't like Rick; he is ill-mannered that's why I have it in for him.
  • hard sell
    навязывать покупку
    The sales person gave us a hard sell on the new computer so we decided not to buy it from him.
  • have eyes bigger than one's stomach
    быть жадным (в еде); "одни глаза не сытые"
    Shiela always has a desire for more food than she can eat; she has eyes bigger than her stomach.
  • hard up
    быть в затруднительном финансовом положении
    I am not surprised that Paul is hard up for money again. He is such a spendthrift.
  • have a brush with the law
    соприкасаться с законом
    At fourteen Joe had a brush with the law because he had tried to hijack a car.
  • hold one's nose
    неохотно соглашаться
    My boss asked me to stay after office hours and I had to hold my nose though I had other fish to fry that evening.
  • heavy heart
    чувство печали, "с тяжёлым сердцем"
    Her father was very sick, and Nina had a heavy heart because of it.
  • have the last laugh
    поставить того, кто смеялся над вами, в глупое положение
    Marion had the last laugh when she passed the test and her friend failed it.
  • He who pays the piper calls the tune
    тот кто платит, тот и распоряжается
    He who pays the piper calls the tune, so it is for the owner of the cafe to decide who will work there and who won't.
  • have the devil to pay
    иметь много неприятностей
    He will have the devil to pay if he doesn't hand in his term paper on the appointed day.
  • have nothing between the ears
    быть глупым
    Sara seems to have nothing between the ears as she often makes silly mistakes.
  • have clean hands
    быть не виноватым, иметь "чистые руки"
    George had nothing to do with the stock cheating; he had clean hands and did not need to worry about the scandal.
  • have a lot on one's mind
    иметь много забот
    I have had a lot on my mind with my children recently.
  • have a stroke
    внезапный приступ, частичный или полный паралич
    My Granddad had a stroke and died soon after it.
  • have (something) in one's hands
    иметь что-либо в руках (документы); иметь контроль или ответственность за что-либо
    "I will let you know when I have a visa to the USA in my hands."
  • have one's hands full (with someone or something)
    быть полностью занятым кем-либо \ чем-либо
    I always have my hands full with household jobs.
  • have/keep one's finger on the pulse
    быть в курсе дела, держать руку на пульсе
    I am aware what's going on in the office; I am keeping my finger on the pulse.
  • hold all the aces
    иметь хороший шанс, иметь на руках козырную карту
    I am holding all the aces, and I hope to do well in the negotiations.
  • horse trade
    усиленно торговаться, "рядиться", вести трудные переговоры
    They had to horse trade, but they were finally able to make a business agreement.
  • head and shoulders above (someone or something)
    намного лучше чего-либо; на голову выше кого-либо
    Peter is an excellent tennis player; he is head and shoulders above the other players in his town.