Идиомы на букву H

  • have seen better days
    отслужить своё, выйти из употребления
    Judy has had her car for ten years, and it has seen better days.
  • hardly have time to breathe
    быть очень занятым
    They hardly had time to breathe while they were preparing to move to a new house.
  • have one's nose in the air
    важничать, "задирать нос"
    I don't think much of Gina; she is very conceited and has her nose in the air.
  • have a vested interest in (something)
    иметь личный интерес (часто финансовый) к чему-либо
    Everybody in the school has a vested interest in building a new playground.
  • have dibs on (something)
    претендовать на часть чего-либо \ на пользование чем-либо
    My brother has dibs on the car and would like to use it as much as possible.
  • have a mind of its own
    иметь собственный ум (о механизме или автомобиле)
    The car was unwilling to start as if it had a mind of its own and won't do anything that I want.
  • hand in hand
    держась за руки
    I saw Miranda and her husband walking hand in hand.
  • have what it takes
    иметь то, что нужно, иметь способность делать что-либо
    I don't think that my sister has what it takes to be a good doctor.
  • have a run-in with (someone)
    иметь неприятную встречу \ ссору с кем-либо
    Yesterday I had a run-in with my father that's why I feel bad today.
  • high-handed
    любящий распоряжаться, властный
    A teacher shouldn't take a high-handed approach when dealing with her pupils.
  • hands off
    не вмешиваться, "руки прочь"
    "I understand your hands off approach to the problem, but I am sure it won't get you anywhere."
  • have broad shoulders
    умение много работать и брать на себя ответственность
    The father has broad shoulders and does most of the repairs about the house.
  • have (something) coming out of one's ears
    иметь изобилие чего-либо
    "I don't want you to buy any more notebooks; we have them coming out of our ears."
  • have a screw loose
    винтика в голове не хватает, "не всё дома"
    "Don't you think that Simon acts in a strange way? I am sure he has a screw loose somewhere."
  • have (someone) in one's pocket
    иметь полный контроль над кем-либо
    The largest computer firm in the town has a few small ones in its pocket.
  • have (someone's) blood on one's hands
    быть ответственным за чью-либо гибель \ за пролитую кровь
    The criminal had the victim's blood on his hands.
  • have the wits to do (something)
    быть сообразительным; соображать, как делать что-либо
    Willy insulted me, but I didn't have the wits to retort promptly.
  • have a head for (something)
    хорошо понимать что-либо, иметь способность к чему-либо
    I am sorry but I have no head for figures.
  • high on (something)
    быть одурманенным чем-либо
    When the police finally arrested him, the young man was high on cocaine.
  • hung up on someone
    быть одержимым, виснуть на ком-либо
    Martha has been hung up on her fellow student Monty, but he doesn't pay any attention to her.
  • have (someone) dead to rights
    доказать кому-либо его вину
    The evidence against the criminal was very strong, and it was not difficult for the police to have the man dead to rights.
  • hold one's breath
    затаить дыхание
    The little girl held her breath when she saw a beautiful doll in the shop window.
  • heart is not in (something)
    не быть расположенным к чему-либо, "сердце не лежит"
    I am a secretary and I do my work well, but actually my heart is not in it.
  • have an eye on (someone or something)
    положить глаз на кого-либо \ что-либо
    Ivory had an eye on a beautiful cat which he would like to buy.
  • have (something) to spare
    иметь что-либо в резерве, что-либо лишнее
    "I don't have a minute to spare today; let's talk about your problems later."
  • hand over fist
    быстро и легко, проворно
    During the World War the company had made money hand over fist.
  • have on (something)
    быть одетым во что-то, носить что-либо
    Gina had a short yellow dress on.
  • heart to heart
    искренний, сердечный
    Vivian was looking forward to having heart to heart talk with her daughter.
  • heart goes out to (someone)
    искренне сочувствовать кому-либо, жалеть кого-либо
    The girl looked very miserable and unhappy and Maria's heart went out to her.
  • have one for the road
    выпить перед уходом, выпить "на посошок"
    The man had evidently one for the road and a few drinks before that because he looked tipsy.
  • have a soft spot in one's heart (for someone or something)
    любить кого-либо \ что-либо
    Ms. Hackomada had a soft spot in her heart for her nieces and nephews.
  • have an accident
    несчастный случай
    Rick had an accident while he was driving home from work.
  • head start
    начать, сделать рывок
    They decided to get a head start on the job.
  • hit pay dirt
    обнаружить что-либо ценное
    Gloria hit pay dirt while looking through the things in the garret.
  • hard on (someone or something)
    плохо обращаться с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Mike is very hard on his son.