Идиомы на букву L

  • lock (something) in
    заморозить что-либо (цены, процентные ставки)
    It was decided to lock in the prices for the most common goods.
  • lock (something) up
    гарантировать выставление кандидатуры, обеспечивать успех
    Richard Fonda would like to lock up the nomination to be a candidate in the next election.
  • lock horns with (someone)
    сцепиться с кем-либо (в споре, в словесной перепалке)
    Samuel Clemens locked horns with his boss and was immediately fired.
  • lock the barn door after the horse is gone
    пытаться исправить положение
    Tina failed the examination and said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was gone.
  • lock the barn door after the horse is stolen
    принимать меры предосторожности слишком поздно
    "Don't you think it's too late to secure the territory now. It is like locking the barn door after the horse is stolen."
  • lock, stock, and barrel
    всё (оптом)
    We had to move our business to another town, so we decided to sell everything lock, stock, and barrel.
  • lodge a complaint (against someone)
    жаловаться на кого-либо
    I lodged a complaint against the salesperson who tried to cheat me.
  • lone wolf
    волк-одиночка (о замкнутом или нелюдимом человеке)
    The man was a lone wolf; he had neither friends nor family to spend his time with.
  • long and the short of it
    короче говоря, вот и весь сказ
    Adam got fired because he didn't do his job well; that's the long and the short of it.
  • long arm of the law
    неизбежное наказание, "у закона длинные руки"
    No matter where a criminal is he will be found and punished due to the long arm of the law.
  • long face
    унылый вид, кислая физиономия
    He pulled a long face when he heard the news of his former girlfriend's engagement.
  • long haul
    долгий период времени
    The hunters decided to stay in the forest for the long haul and not return to the village.
  • long in the tooth
    (быть) старым, песок сыплется (длинные зубы у лошади – признак старости)
    My Uncle Ben was very long in the tooth but very spry.
  • long shot
    имеющий мало шансов на успех
    It was a long shot that I would get a role in this film, but I was lucky.
  • look (someone) (right/straight) in the eye
    смотреть кому-либо прямо в лицо, находиться лицом к кому-либо
    Pam looked me in the eye when she told me a lie about her absence from work.
  • look (someone) in the eye/face
    смотреть кому-либо в лицо, находиться лицом к кому-либо
    Pam looked me in the eye when she told me a lie about her absence from work.
  • look (someone) up
    навещать кого-либо
    "I doubt that I'll be able to look you up; I've been very busy lately."
  • look a gift horse in the mouth
    дарёному коню в рот не смотрят"
    William's father gave him a computer, but William complained that the computer was outdated. His father told him not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
  • look after (someone)
    ухаживать за кем-либо, присматривать
    My cousin asked me to look after her baby son while she was out shopping.
  • look after number one
    заботится только о себе, о своих интересах
    Hanna is very selfish; she only looks after number one, and she never helps other people.
  • look at (someone) cross-eyed
    посмотреть косо на кого-либо
    Wendy said something unpleasant, and Dorothy looked at her cross-eyed.
  • look at the world through rose-colored glasses
    смотреть на мир сквозь розовые очки, быть слишком оптимистичным
    Everybody seems to think that I look at the world through rose-colored glasses, but in fact I am very realistic.
  • look at/see the world through rose-colored glasses
    смотреть на мир сквозь розовые очки
    John is too optimistic and he always looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.
  • look down on (someone or something)
    смотреть свысока, презирать
    There is no need to look down on a man just because he is poor.
  • look down one's nose at (someone or something)
    смотреть свысока, "воротить нос" от кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Tamara is very arrogant; she always looks down her nose at everybody.
  • look down one's nose at (someone)
    смотреть свысока, "воротить нос" от кого-либо
    Tamara is very arrogant; she always looks down her nose at everybody.
  • look for (something to happen)
    ожидать, что что-либо произойдёт
    We are looking for Bill Brown to become a member of Parliament in the forthcoming election.
  • look for (something)
    искать что-либо
    I have been looking for my glasses all day, but I still don't know where they are.
  • look for trouble
    вести себя вызывающее, искать повода для ссоры, драки
    Every other evening the youngsters were hanging around, looking for trouble.
  • look forward to (something)
    ожидать чего-либо с удовольствием
    I am looking forward to your prompt reply.
  • look good on paper
    хорошо смотреться на бумаге (но может быть неприемлемо на практике)
    "Your project looks good on paper, but I am afraid in practice it will be good for nothing."
  • look high and low for (someone or something)
    искать кого-либо \ чего-либо повсюду
    They looked high and low for a happy man, but they were not able to find him.
  • look in on (someone)
    нанести краткий визит кому-либо
    "Will you please look in on little Alan and see what he is doing?"
  • look into (something)
    детально исследовать, изучать, расследовать
    "The food has been very poor lately; I want you to look into it."
  • look like (something)
    прогнозировать, предсказывать что-либо
    It looks like it is going to snow later in the day.