Идиомы на букву S

  • scrape (something) up
    наскрести, накопить (по мелочам)
    Jimmy managed to scrape up a few dollars by searching all the pockets.
  • shove one's way somewhere
    проталкиваться куда-либо
    A large crowd surrounded the building and we had to shove our way to the entrance.
  • skin (someone) alive
    бранить; шлёпать или бить, "шкуру спущу"
    I broke my mother's favorite vase, and she said if I touch anything else in her bedroom she would skin me alive.
  • sink into despair
    горевать, приходить в уныние
    Joan sank into despair when her car had broken down.
  • skip it
    ладно, неважно
    "Skip it," Nora told me when I again forgot to bring her the book she had asked for.
  • something or other
    что-то, что-то такое
    My father said something or other about his new job but I didn't quite get it.
  • so-so
    так себе, "серединка на половинку"
    "How is the patient today, doctor?" - "So-so," the latter responded.
  • stick (something) up
    приклеить, прикрепить что-либо
    Linda stuck a stamp up on the envelope.
  • straight out
    прямо, без обиняков
    I told Gina straight out that her essay was not very good.
  • stumble across/into (someone)
    случайно встретить, столкнуться с кем-либо
    I couldn't get in touch with Sofia for a long time before I stumbled into her at the mall.
  • show signs of (something)
    проявлять признаки чего-либо
    "Try to be composed and not to show signs of nervousness."
  • sum (something) up
    суммировать что-либо, подводить итог, кратко изложить
    The judge summed up the evidence.
  • speak out on/about (something)
    откровенно высказаться о чём-либо
    Sam was reluctant to speak out on the subject of money.
  • show one's cards/hand
    раскрыть свои карты, рассказать о своих планах
    Hillary was very evasive about it all as if she didn't want to show her cards to me.
  • soak (something) up
    впитывать, всасывать что-либо
    "Get some blotting-paper to soak up the ink."
  • shades of (someone or something)
    напоминание о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    I could detect shades of amusement in her voice.
  • steamed up
    быть обозлённым, негодующим
    My father was steamed up because I had taken his car without his permission.
  • steaming mad
    кипящий от злости
    I was steaming mad when my sister had broken my favorite vase.
  • spell trouble
    быть признаком грядущих неприятностей
    The leakage in the roof might spell trouble for the coming rainy season.
  • shy away from (someone or something)
    избегать кого-либо \ что-либо, уклоняться
    It looks as if my friend has been shying away from me recently.
  • shook-up
    (быть) расстроенным, обеспокоенным
    Miriam looked shook-up and I asked her what the matter was.
  • speak for itself/themselves
    говорить само за себя
    The book needs no recom mendation. The author and the title speak for themselves.
  • so still you can hear a pin drop
    очень тихо; слышно, как муха пролетит
    The students were writing a test, and it was so still in the classroom you could hear a pin drop.
  • sob story
    печальная история
    Pauline told me a sob story about her family problems.
  • sign one's own death warrant
    нажить серьёзные неприятности, "подписать себе смертный приговор"
    The young man signed his own death warrant when stole a car; he will spend two year in prison.
  • so help me
    я клянусь, я обещаю
    "So help me, if you do not return my textbook, I'll never let you borrow anything from me."
  • sitting target
    лёгкая мишень (для критики)
    "I am not going to be a sitting target for you to criticize me."
  • spring for (something)
    купить что-либо, заплатить за что-либо
    Our TV set got broken and we decided to spring for a new one.
  • stumble across/upon (someone or something)
    случайно обнаружить кого-либо \ что-либо, натолкнуться
    Frank stumbled across Margaret's diary when he was looking for his passport.
  • shack up with (someone)
    жить в гражданском браке
    Linda has shacked up with her boyfriend for a couple of years.
  • short for (something)
    сокращённая форма чего-либо (слова, фразы, имени)
    The name Betty is short for Elisabeth.
  • such and such
    Such and such called, but I have forgotten his name.
  • stick up (someone or something)
    ограбить (с применением оружия)
    The robber had a knife and he tried to stick me up.
  • sniff out (someone or something)
    почуять, обнаружить кого-либо \ что-либо
    The cat sniffed out a mouse in the barn.
  • subscribe to (something)
    подписаться на (периодическое издание); поддержать или дать согласие на что-либо
    I'd like to subscribe to a magazine and a few newspapers.