Идиомы на букву S

  • straighten out (someone or something)
    улучшать (положение), разрешать (задачу)
    Paul did his best to straighten out a very nasty situation.
  • something else
    что-то невероятное
    The circus performance was something else. It was the best show that I have ever seen.
  • something/words to that effect
    что-то в этом роде
    The shopkeeper said that dogs were not allowed into the shop or something to that effect.
  • smash hit
    пользующиеся большим кассовым успехом (фильм, песня и т.д.)
    "Do you know which films are considered to be smash hits of the year?"
  • spin (something) off
    создать побочный продукт
    The Microsoft will probably spin off some computer games as their by-product.
  • side against (someone)
    выступать против кого-либо
    I didn't expect Nick Wood to side against Rick Forest in the debate yesterday.
  • stake a claim to (something)
    закрепить своё право на что-либо
    If you offer something free, people are apt to stake a claim to it.
  • shove off
    отправляться, уходить
    My friends dropped in for a minute, stayed till midnight and finally decided to shove off.
  • shape up
    улучшать, исправить (поведение, исполнение, физическую форму)
    Lenny was learning composition and training himself to shape up and better express his thoughts.
  • share (someone's) sorrow
    разделять чьё-либо горе
    The neighbors shared the sorrow of the mother whose little boy had been run over by a car.
  • share (someone's) pain
    разделять чью-либо боль
    My cousin's wife died of cancer, and I can't help sharing his pain because of his loss.
  • shot through with (something)
    смешанный с чем-либо, содержащий что-либо
    This mixture is shot through with something which tastes bitter.
  • string along with (someone)
    следовать за кем-либо, сопровождать
    Mrs. Dale strings along with her children every morning when they go to school.
  • small-time
    мелкий, незначительный
    Meredith is a small-time tennis player and never participates in serious competitions.
  • something of the sort
    что-то в этом роде
    I know that Bob is keen on car races or something of the sort.
  • sign (something) over
    подписать передачу что-либо
    Mr. Shlossman signed over all his property to his daughter Erica.
  • square one
    самое начало
    Mike didn't remember Physics, so he had to go back to square one and start learning the subject again.
  • square things up with (someone)
    отдать долг, рассчитаться с кем-либо
    Bob is reluctant to square things up with me and give me the money that he had borrowed.
  • string (something) out
    растянуть, растянуться (о расстоянии или времени)
    Last summer the swimming competitions were strung out over a period of three weeks.
  • stranger to (someone or something or somewhere)
    человек, не знакомый кому-либо; не знающий чего-либо
    I opened the door and saw a man; he was a stranger to me. I didn't know him from Adam.
  • sold out
    быть распроданным
    We came to the cinema a bit late; all the tickets were sold out.
  • shore (something) up
    подпирать что-либо
    It was necessary to shore up the roof of the house after the hurricane had damaged it.
  • suggestive of (something)
    напоминающий что-либо
    The picture was suggestive of a country lane which I used to walk along in my younger days.
  • slip away/off/out
    ускользнуть, уйти незамеченным
    Jim didn't want to be seen, so he quietly slipped out of the room.
  • slap (someone or something) down
    отвергать кого-либо \ что-либо, забраковать
    My tutor slapped my term paper down and I was very upset.
  • skip rope
    прыгать на скакалке
    The children were laughing happily as they were skipping rope.
  • strings attached
    сопутствующее обязательство, определённое условие
    Adam wanted to rent a house but he didn't like the strings attached to the offer.
  • sight unseen
    за глаза, не видя
    Never buy things sight unseen; you'll be very sorry if you do.
  • square deal
    честная сделка
    Mr. Lancaster is a decent man, and you will receive a square deal if you do business with him.
  • slap (something) together
    поспешно смастерить что-либо, сделать наспех
    They were in a hurry to slap together a few benches to put in the garden.
  • stoop to (doing something)
    снизойти до чего-либо
    I will never stoop to gossiping about other people's private affairs.
  • sound off about (something)
    говорить что-либо громко, во всё услышание
    Tim's brother is always sounding off about his lack of money.
  • sock it to (someone)
    дать тумака, побить кого-либо
    Brown socked it to his neighbor for having damaged part of his property.
  • smoke (someone or something) out
    выкурить кого-либо \ что-либо, избавиться
    They tried everything in order to smoke out hornets, but nothing helped.
  • spruce (something) up
    приводить в порядок, наводить блеск
    They must have spruced up their house for now it looks spick and span.