Идиомы на букву T

  • take the initiative to (do something)
    проявить инициативу (сделать что-либо)
    "Why not take the initiative to arrange a nice party?"
  • take the law into one's own hands
    расправиться без суда, пытаться отправлять правосудие самому
    Ned decided to take the law into his own hands and avenge himself on his offender.
  • take the liberty of (doing something)
    позволить себе сделать что-либо
    I took the liberty of telling my instructor what I thought about his method of teaching skiing.
  • take the money and run
    принять предложенное пока предложение в силе
    Bill planned to take the money and run as he was not sure that he would be given any more money for the settlement of his car accident.
  • take the plunge
    сделать решительный шаг, принять серьёзное решение
    Pauline finally made up her mind to take the plunge and divorce her two-timer spouse.
  • take the rap for (someone or something)
    получить наказание за что-либо или вместо кого-либо
    Wanda felt miserable; she took the rap for what she hadn't done.
  • take the roll
    делать перекличку
    Before the teacher began the lesson she took the roll.
  • take the stand
    занять место свидетеля (в зале суда)
    Berth took the stand in the murder trial yesterday.
  • take the starch out of (someone)
    сбить спесь с кого-либо, осадить
    I think Alice is too highbrow and arrogant; I wish someone would take the starch out of her.
  • take the trouble to (do something)
    стараться, делать усилие
    "Will you please take the trouble to inform Miss Nordie that she is not going to have any lessons today?"
  • take the wind out of one's sails
    отбить охоту, расстроить чьи-либо планы, "выбить почву из-под ног"
    Ron applied for a job of a computer programmer but was rejected, and it took the wind out of his sails.
  • take the wind out of someone's sails
    расстроить чьи-либо планы, выбить почву из под ног, обескуражить
    Kathy's answer was so cool, so rich in bravado that it took the wind out of his sails.
  • take the words out of (someone's) mouth
    предвосхитить то, что хотел сказать другой
    I wanted to add a few more items to the agenda, but the chairman took the words out of my mouth.
  • take time off
    сделать перерыв в работе
    Sue had been studying Chinese for a couple of years before she decided to take time off.
  • take to (someone or something)
    привязаться к кому-либо \ чему-либо, полюбить
    Sally took to the new teacher at once.
  • take to (something)
    начать что-либо, взяться за что-либо
    Hillary took to the work of a fashion designer and was a great success.
  • take to one's heels
    убегать, удирать
    The boys were stealing apples from the garden and took to their heels when they saw the owner approaching them.
  • take to the woods
    уклоняться от ответственности, спрятаться в кусты
    Jeremy Scott was determined to take to the woods rather than that pay alimony to his wife.
  • take turns
    делать что-либо по очереди (с другими)
    The majority of people in our office prefer to take their holidays in summer, so we have to take turns.
  • take umbrage at (something)
    обижаться, чувствовать себя обиженным
    George is too quick to take umbrage at any remark.
  • take up (clothes)
    укоротить, сделать короче
    My skirt is too long; I need to have it taken up.
  • take up (something)
    начать заниматься чем-либо (спортом или каким-либо делом)
    Ralf didn't take up golf until he was fifty.
  • take up (somewhere)
    начать с того места, где закончили
    "Look here, class! We will take up the exercise where we left off yesterday."
  • take up (space or room)
    занимать место, наполнять собой
    The copying of these letters took up all day.
  • take up (time)
    отнимать время
    "You have taken up quite enough of my time, Bob."
  • take up a collection
    собрать деньги на что-либо
    Sam is willing to take up a collection for his holiday abroad.
  • take up arms against (someone or something)
    взяться за оружие против кого-либо \ чего-либо, встать на защиту
    The people of the Soviet Union took up arms against the Nazis to defend their country.
  • take up where one left off
    начать с того, чем закончили
    I stopped reading the book at chapter six and now I will take up where I left off.
  • take up with (someone)
    начать общаться, водить компанию с кем-либо
    After the holiday I never took up with Adam again.
  • taken aback
    (неприятно) удивиться
    Sue was downright rude to me and I was taken aback.
  • taken for dead
    считаться умершими
    After the avalanche a few people were taken for dead though their bodies were not found.
  • talk (someone's) ear off
    замучить кого-либо разговорами
    The woman sitting beside me in the compartment talked my ear off.
  • talk (someone's) head off
    много говорить, болтать без умолку
    "Look here Emma! You are talking my head off! Will you stop for a while?"
  • talk (someone) down in price
    уговорить кого-либо снизить цену
    I tried to talk the man down in price for the car, but he didn't comply.
  • talk (someone) into (doing something)
    уговорить кого-либо сделать что-либо
    I talked my friends into taking a car trip to the country.