Идиомы на букву R
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run a fever/temperature
высокая температураI had a bad cold and was running a fever, so I had to stay in bed for a few days.
run off with (someone)
тайно бежать с кем-либоMarion has run off with her lover, and no one ever heard anything from her ever since.
read up on (someone or something)
изучать что-либо, читать соответствующую литературуSince he had never paid much attention to either history or economics Ben had to read up on both subjects before taking the exams.
run short
не хватать, иссякнутьMary had to go shopping late in the evening because she had run short of coffee and sugar.
run (something) by (someone) again
повторить что-либо кому-либо ещё разI wanted my sister to run her ideas by me again.
raise one's voice to (someone)
накричать на кого-либоMy mother always raises her voice to anyone when she is angry.
run off copies of (something)
напечатать копии чего-либоI asked my friend to run off a few copies of my birth certificate.
run afoul of the law
нарушить законPaul Browning was arrested because he had run afoul of the law.
read (something) into (something)
придавать чему-либо какое-либо значениеI decided not to read anything into the recent actions of my boss.
reach a stalemate
зайти в тупикThe negotiations reached a stalemate, and it will be difficult to start them again.
rank and file
рядовые (служащие или солдаты)The rank and file of the large computer company was happy to receive their bonuses.
result in (something)
происходить в результате чего-либоThe icy roads that day resulted in a lot of car accidents.
rotten to the core
прогнивший насквозь, бесполезныйThe house had to be pulled down as it was rotten to the core, and it was useless to repair it.
rest on one's oars
бездействовать, ослабить усилияThey decided to rest on their oars for a while before starting a new project.
raw deal
несправедливо суровое отношениеRon got a raw deal; he was treated unfairly, I am sure.
run (someone) in
арестовать кого-либоThey had him run in for drunken driving.
run an errand
выполнять поручениеMy brother often has to run an errand for our father.
run around with (someone)
водиться с кем-либо, иметь в друзьях кого-либо"I don't allow you to run around with those guys; they are a bad party."
run ragged
очень уставатьI am always being run ragged by the work in the garden.
raise a stink about (something)
поднимать вопрос, шумиху из-за чего-либоThe dog owners raised a stink about the new pet tax.
raise a hand against (someone or something)
поднять руку на кого-либо \ что-либоJordan raised a hand against his wife's precious possessions, and she decided to punish him.
ring true
звучать правдивоWinters in Europe are becoming milder and milder, so the predictions of the meteorologists seem to ring true.
run into (trouble/problems)
попасть в беду, нажить неприятностиIvan ran into trouble when he tried to steal a car.
run up against (something)
столкнуться, натолкнуться на что-либоDavid didn't wish to run up against this problem again, for he could picture the encounter as being awkward.
rub elbows (with someone)
тесно общаться с кем-либо, работать вместеI am a manager, and at work I rub elbows with a lot of people.
run down (someone or something)
сбить кого-либо \ что-либо"Never cross the street against the red light; you may be run down by a car."
run into (someone or something)
ударить, налететь на что-либо, сбить кого-либо \что-либоThe car ran into a tree and turned over.
raise hell with (someone or something)
устроить скандал кому-либо, учинить разнос из-за чего-либоWhen my dog ran into my neighbor's garden, Wanda Lee, my neighbor, raised hell with me.
run after (someone) or (something)
бежать за кем-либо \ чем-либо, преследоватьA small dog was running after a big cat.
run into (something)
смешиваться с чем-либоDuring the laundry the blue paint of my dress ran into the yellow paint of blouse.
round up (someone or something)
собрать кого-либо, собрать в кучу что-либоThey were not able to round up enough footballers to play a football match last Sunday.
rule out (someone or something)
исключить кого-либо \ что-либоThe condition of the ground ruled out any chance of hunting that day.
right under one's nose
прямо перед носомI have been searching for my pad for twenty minutes or so before I saw it right under my nose.
run the good race
делать всё возможноеThe sportsman ran the good race but in the end he lost the marathon.
raise an objection to (someone or something)
выражать своё несогласие кому-либо, возражать против чего-либоTheodor raised an objection to the coach about including Jordan in our football team.